17 definitions by Adriana

A girl that is so attractive that it makes guys sweat .
Veronica is so boiling , everyone in Orangewood High wants to go out with her !!!!
by Adriana April 10, 2004
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Huntington Park, a city near by L.A, known for being Tiujuana of Southern California and Home of The Worst Soccer Riots.
Hey, been to Huntington Park?
Yeah< it's nice for a piece of crap
by Adriana April 17, 2004
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1.another name for rupert
2. A Rupert that sucks a lot of cock
Man, where's chupert?
He's probabyly sucking cock
oh, that's nice
by Adriana April 4, 2004
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i know!!! spell his name right DAMMIT. dammit. elliott smath doesn't deserve this!
OMG! Elliot Smith <3 OMG!
by Adriana March 21, 2005
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a way to say "lets go den" or "bring it on" (used in terms of fighting)
Whats really good witchu, nigga.....heady up, lets go den!
by Adriana October 20, 2004
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A butt that is round, sexy and plump. It is shaped like a bubble and it shows on a person's figure.
by Adriana June 11, 2005
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a band that is good
hey look its slipkot
by Adriana February 16, 2004
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