5 definitions by Adam Davis Hendricks III

One who socks (punches) a female in her twat because she was being a bitch.
#1: micheals mom was pissin me off!
#2: so what did you do?
#1: Lets just say i became a twat socker fast.
by Adam Davis Hendricks III September 3, 2007
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1. A son of an expert, whom specializes in pooh pooh.

2. An apprentice of a pooh expert.

3. A pooh jedi.
Tommy is a fucking pooh prodigy.
by Adam Davis Hendricks III September 3, 2007
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When a female vagina has become too dirty for crabs, they get lobsters.
Adams mom got vaginal lobsters after deciding not to douche herself last month.
by Adam Davis Hendricks III September 3, 2007
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a female vagina with extreme tampon blasting force.

1. did you see that? that bitch got a tampon cannon!

2. BOOM! SPLAT! I just set off my tampon cannon!

by Adam Davis Hendricks III September 3, 2007
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A place in which alot of homo sexuals congrigate. vagina is scarce.
1. I bet that faggot lives in the dick village downtown.

2. That party is going to be a dick village.

3. Nice dick village you faggots!
by Adam Davis Hendricks III September 3, 2007
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