288 definitions by Adam

Katalisk is a sweet hunny that enjoys sitting on people. Also doing the opposite of what her parents tell her and taking care of her beagle toby
Dont you friggen hump me mate. *sits on you* Muhahahaha
by Adam December 26, 2005
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Something that is just like sooo fucking lame
John loves purple rhino asses...
he is soooo jeekez
by Adam December 26, 2005
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A Code Daemon, is a remarkable thing, usually with learning difficulties and strange behavioural attitudes; tendancy to be habbit forming, or even become agitated because of because. Coming from a kind of daemon, its probably not surprising that we are so weird afterall.
a code daemon daemons code. simple. isnt it?
by Adam January 2, 2005
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used to desribe the act of trying it on with the girls on a weekend, and having a good time.
Think its origin is northern.
i saw you flexing it on saturday
by Adam April 6, 2004
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Originating from Noob, Newb, Newbie, New player. When used in this term, It is an offensive statement.
"Hahahaz! Lolz!12 roflflz, I just pwnt d4t NEEB like a sizzy. LOLZ </3"
by Adam April 14, 2005
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A word used by true computer game dependant people to describe someone who is new at an online game and doesn't yet really know how to play the way that the dependants do. While the dependants THINK that this is a mockery of the noob, this is truely a mockery of their own lame computer lives. A person who calls someone a neeb, is in NEED of a social life of any kind.
He shot his own guy then ran into a wall!
Yeah then I shot him to death!
He;s a total NEEB.
by Adam July 6, 2005
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what is south of the belly button and north of the legs for a non male.
Steven u sleez ball stop pounding my nooly so hard.
by Adam November 25, 2004
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