80 definitions by -

When someone has been conned/is controlled by someone else.
Milan is such a mack his girlfriend says jump and he replies how high.

Man i just donated to some guy in a wheelchair, and saw him stand up and walk away. Im such a Mack
by - July 14, 2004
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Third incarnation of the Nothing Nice to Say boards, after the untimely demise of omglikewhoa. Currently in an awesome stage, though n00bs are lacking.
We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of...Project Decoy...
by - February 26, 2004
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A nickname often presented to men that have red hair, with arms the size of the atlantic. Oh, and a dick like a python.
Nobody messes with the aub man, he will hit you so hard that you will contract the west nile virus.

Dont cross the path of aub man, blind madness may occur; therefore ending you time on this world.
by - October 6, 2004
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Act of sex or, sometimes, toking up. Floor rug where sex occurs. Usually found during the Hippie Era in an overly small flat or back of a van, pickup, or ground. Used because it's better for your back then the floor\wall\VW bugg.
After a few sticks, Snogmaster took Sunflower for a magic carpet ride.
by - February 2, 2004
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Loud-mouthed person who talks a lot, but nothing with any value - as in shite coming out of their gob
"Shut it, you little gobshite!"
by - August 4, 2002
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Holy shit, its fucking londei!
by - September 6, 2003
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A slang term used for disappointment, usually after plans have been made between two parties but one party just plumb forgot about it on the day of execution.
I had plans for something fun over the weekend but I've been AESHA'd because the person I made the plans with forgot about it.

I was supposed to contact my employer for an application, but because of my busy day, I decided to AESHA it instead.
by - June 15, 2004
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