16 definitions by lb

a rare breed of inbreed from the upper pennensula of michigan
hi, i'm a yooper. do you know what a yooper is?
by lb March 19, 2005
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eg g egh eyhftduijkl,.nki u87mq1 nfu6jkm
by lb November 24, 2003
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You'd better vamoose before my girlfriend catches us.
by lb March 31, 2004
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Charismatic frontman for Australian band Grinspoon. Self-confident, crazy-dancing, rock-posing, vodka-drinking motherfucker on stage. He puts on one hell of a show. He is the master of rock'n'roll performance.
"Hey did you see at the KISS concert, when Grinspoon opened, how Phil gave it straight back to those fat bikie KISS fans who were yelling at him to get off the stage?"
"Yeah! Didnt he like throw a beer at them, wish them the blessings of God, before dedicating the song 'More Than You Are' to them?
"Exactly. I love that guy."
"Me too."
by lb January 27, 2005
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A Man/Women that all he/she talks about is cars/driving.
(May be referred as a "petrol-head"
by lb June 3, 2017
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Someone that is sheltered from modern society by being from the sticks.
Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies is a country bumpkin.
by lb March 31, 2004
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