21 definitions by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee

funna: action of doing something. also known as finna. also look for evolution of this word which makes it a slang of a slang example: Funsa or Finsa meaning the same thing.
yo I'm Funna roll to the store wanna ride.

I'm finna get paid on friday fool!

that B!tC# is getting on my nerves I'm funsa beat here A$$.

I'm Finsa eat some fried chicken you want some or I'm Funna eat it all!
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 19, 2005
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bombing: to throw up a huge grafitti piece...also know as tagging a lot of areas in one night. (2) also can mean majorly beating someone up in a fast manner. (3) also can mean heavily and throughly droppin caps on someone in a M.C. battle.
hey brew me and my homies went bombing last night, want to see the billboard I hit up?

yo did you see how he bombed on that fool!

I was bombing on those wack M.C's last night at the b-boy arena!
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 19, 2005
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gratz: slang for spanish (gracias) or itallian (gratzi).. meaning thank you!

when your lazy to say thank you

just say Gratz..
hey good job on that speech last night. you reply, "Gratz"

your a nice guy! oh yeah, "Gratz"
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 19, 2005
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blank boy: used as an insult.. refering to someone shooting blanks.(zero sperm) (2) also used in sales jobs.. Someone who didn't sale anything for the day. a big zero. (3) someone getting a zero score
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 18, 2005
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cheeze: another word for cash money! also refer to cheese definition.
orign from the hood when families would get their free money or government cheese. (2) also meaning head of something, e.g. a boss, team leader, head honcho,
yo! son I gotz to make that Cheeze!

damn where did you get all that cheeze?

what's up big cheeze!

I don't know ask the big cheeze!
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 18, 2005
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Brew: like a bro.. or brother... guys like beers or brews therefore it is natural to call a good friend a brew.
suuuup BREEEEW!

how you doing brew

naw brew I'm tired brew!!

meet my best brew, BREEEEW!
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 18, 2005
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sqaatch: originates from the word sqat.
or to sqat down...It ultimately means to bend down and take a dump shit.
when you really have to go to the bathroom use this word.
hey ZEE let's play one more game of Madden NFL 2006..

zee replies, "hold up I got to take a sqaatch !!"

you reply, " go take a sqaatch then, tutti head.
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 20, 2005
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