Im still listenin' to wax im not usin the CD. -Beastie Boys, Sure Shot
by BeastieBen September 4, 2003
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Could mean calling someone on their cell phone, but could also mean calling someone's pager or two-way.
Most chicks have to call me at home, but I let her hit me on the hip.
by fizzle April 17, 2004
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Feeling usual associated with loss of something e.g. 'movie ticket, etc'.
Feeling grows more intense closer to need of said item.
Boo- Lets go get our theatre seats.
Dave- Shit dude, I got 'the fear', I swear l put the ticket right in this pocket.
by phatcatslimm March 6, 2004
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A person who is between the age of 18 to 25 and even beyond, who have become a part of a distinct and separate life stage, a strange, transitional never-never land between adolescence and adulthood in which people stall for a few extra years, putting off the iron cage of adult responsibility that constantly threatens to crash down on them.
"Yeah my friend is 26, still lives at home with the 'rents and parties all week, ah the life of a twixter."
by ricbax January 17, 2005
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phrase - refers to academic work of poor quality in which you are essentially daring your professor or teacher to give you a bad grade
I just submitted the worst paper I have ever written. It is nothing short of academic chicken.
by Jean McSween January 17, 2004
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Mindless drivel spoken as if it were fact and backed up with plagarism and lies.
Christopher is full of fwisdom and it stinks
by paul February 20, 2004
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noun. a place or situation with the sole (stated or not stated) purpose of facilitating interaction of individuals for sexual/romantic activities.

The term draws parallels between real meat markets, where meat is hung up and displayed in plain view for people to look at, judge the quality of, and make decisions of whether to buy or not, and the atmosphere of many nightclubs/bars that are only seemingly in existance so individuals can display themselves to others for judgement and "aquisition", and likewise, size up and attempt to "aquire" others.

also used as an adjective to describe places possessing this quality.

see also "meat market"
girl1: "what are you up to tonight then? going out?"
girl2: "yeah we're going down to Elements for some drinks. wanna come?"
girl1: "EW, no! that place is such a meatmarket"
by Olly J February 24, 2005
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