using psychology on someone in order to sway an issue in their favor
Stop psychologying me!
by soulshine1212 October 29, 2014
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A class you take in high school/major in college to make yourself appear more intelligent.
Person A: What class are you taking next term?
Person B: Hmm, I think I'll take psychology!
Person A: Wow, I bet you'll feel smart, then.
by Oliver V September 15, 2007
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"Damn, bruh, she tried to reverse psychologize me, but she doesn't know I'm a master manipulator and gaslighter."
by Moonz930 March 14, 2022
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A way for a pussy to convince himself/herself that nothing is real unless they describe it as real. A pretentious person's version of positive thoughts.
That didn't happen, it wasn't real, violence is all psychological, if the person doing the damage is the one pretending everything is psychological.
by Solid Mantis November 3, 2019
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The act of stuffing someone into a small, closterphobic space until they are to weak to fight back. Afterward you pull them out when the time is right only to humiliate them by cumming on there face. Usually followed by a curtious Uber ride home
First I got a psychologic...... next thing I know I’m in a damn accord........
by Themaxx64 July 26, 2018
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A science that used to be complete bullcrap with absolutely no evidence, but has gotten much more objective and quantitative since roughly the 2000's. Stigmatized by people thinking they can psychoanalyze random people after one class, and famous 'psychologists' that never discovered anything, psychology has received a poor reputation. People often erroneously assume it is a synonym for "therapy," even though not every psychologist is a therapist.

Speak positively about it at your own risk.
It's possible to devise experiments that work to get actual data, and formulate a legitimate theory in psychology. But instead, let's quote Freud's unfounded claims!
by Bookwyrm February 23, 2017
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Pronunciation: ˌsī-kə-ˈlä-ji-kəl
Function: adjective

1) "Logical" as determined by a psycho.

2) The processes of the human mind, not being entirely logical, often involve a psychotic component. Hence, the combination of "psycho" and "logical" is necessary. The psychotic component is often dominant in clingy ex-boy/girl friends.
1) The only (psycho)logical conclusion he could come to was to stalk the hot sorority girl around campus.

2) Guy 1: Dude, the way Lauren operates is not logical.
Guy 2: Yeah, but it is psychological.
Guy 1: Don't you mean psychotic?
Guy 2: Yeah, that too.
by rastronauts May 26, 2010
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