Someone who ditches a major for a different major.
Hi, my name is Jae Park. I used to be a Computer Science major but now I'm an accountant.
by DAT Chanh February 18, 2017
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You aren't friends with anyone who works in this part of your company, but everyone you're not friends with seems to work there.
Dave: 'Who are they over there?

You: I think that's Mike and John from accounting.

Dave: No I meant the three in the corner

You: Oh right, yeah that's just Bill, Pete and Brian from accounting.

by kris atonacis February 22, 2011
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blame, in the sense that others are free from blame in assigning "accountability" to others
I want to assure the American People that this administration has assigned full accountability to uh, and that, uh, there are people who are, people in this administration, and that (whoever is scape goat du jour) accepts full accountability - and it's hard work! And we've, uh, he's got a job to do, and he's gonna do it. He's accountable!
by Michael Gannett February 14, 2006
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Noun: a meaningless term applied to State Standardized testing; generally used to make politicians sound important.
State Senator: Wow, the only student who can't read is the one who never showed up to class all year! We need more accountability for the teachers that did not track that child down and force them to learn.
by hadit January 2, 2005
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the disease that is making the world incredibly dull.
The accountant made all of the cute little puppys cry.
by Alli April 27, 2004
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An extremely dull person, devoid of all personality. Stereotypically will wear a grey suit, drive a grey car and have grey skin. All accountants are balding by 25 years of age and have repulsive coffee breath. Spending a day in an accountants can bring on depression in an instant.
Yeah he seemed a right accountant, reckon he must have left his personality at home.

Say something dammit, anyone would think you were an accountant, mate!
by Evil Edna June 20, 2005
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An accountants job is to ensure that the people who can afford an accountant don't pay tax.
by Mutemute December 10, 2016
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