usually said right before someone says the most offensive thing possible.
Mel Gibson: No offense, but you people are all a bunch of greedy money grabbing, bagel eating piece of shit Jews!

Jews: That was rather offensive
by erection_infection December 20, 2013
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A common phrase that dumb people say when they don't understand something or when they want to cause unnecessary facebook drama.
"Your artistic endeavor for photography class uses a globe in it and that reminds me of our all-mighty God. That's offensive."
by imazebraucantcme September 12, 2011
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a phrase that is believed to make a really rude comment less rude, but really just makes you look like a jackass.
by katopoliss December 7, 2010
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Forget swine flu, the Indian government is suffering from a much grave disease called offensivitis.
by AlekhyaDas May 13, 2015
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When you try to say "offended" but ended up saying "offensive" halfway through.
A: Dude, you know i am offensed by what you said.
A: ...
B: Dude.
A: Dude.
by faggut January 24, 2019
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A phrase added to an otherwise insulting statement. You say "no offense" right before or after you say something that is insulting. "No offense" allows you to say just about anything you want about anyone.

It is sometimes followed up by "none taken." The recipient of the original comment says "none taken" to signal that they were not insulted.
Joe: Sally, you've put on some weight
Sally: *slaps the shit out of Joe*


Joe: No offense, Sally, you've gotten fat
Sally: None taken. I guess I should go on a diet. .
by Northendwhitetrash October 4, 2009
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Something someone says right before saying something that may be offensive. as opposed to, say, not saying anything offensive at all.
You are such a completely moronic asshole. No offense
by LordXeras January 6, 2011
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