A crazy werdo who thinks he is the blunber hulk and batman and an assasin that is accident prone and looks like a turtle without a shell.
O-NO blunber accidently blow up the world again
by Ian October 15, 2003
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adj ~ a wonderful occurrence that is purely a lucky coincidence facilitated or created by a blunder; succeeding because of failure, rather than despite it
Sweetheart, you're the most blunderful thing to ever happen in your mother's and my lives.
by D'Royce O'Coinpurse February 28, 2010
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1.) when you f something up for someone else

2.) when you f something up for yourself (traditional)
taylor swift getting blundered by kanye. ohhhhhh
by blunderberg December 29, 2010
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Version of blundering that can be used as an independent attribute.
You are too blunderous for my time.
by how to make name February 14, 2023
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to over blunder, as in cooking.

to blend your ingredients to such a state as to be unusable.

or to disrupt the ingredients in another way also to render them unusable
"The pulse setting can be used to avoid over blundering the ingredients...".

"It's such a disappointment when one over blunders one's shortcrust and it shrinks in the oven . . ."
by ford dagenham December 29, 2012
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having many faults, clumsy, careless
its a common miconception that all blondes are blundering idiots.
by celeste March 21, 2005
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Port-manteau of blunder and wonderful; a particularly egregious mistake, possibly of epic proportions. Usually the speaker is deeply affected by the fallout.
A: Oh, so I was just playing with your computer and, errr, I had to reinstall everything because I deleted your whole disk.
B: Blunderful!
by InvisibleConnections October 29, 2006
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