23 definitions by Walking Talking Dictionary

A severely racist slur for cardassians. The term 'spoonhead' is MUCH milder. Please do not utter either in front of a cardassian unless you are an EXTREMELY skilled fighter.
The term 'cardie' is equalivent to whatever strongly offensive term for races, you care to mention
by Walking Talking Dictionary September 24, 2006
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((Warning - this is a parallell/micktake of fridge mothers))
The reason for neurotypicality remains unknown. There are several theories, however, perhaps one of the most well-known, despite being discredited, is oven fathers. Kann Leor first proposed this idea. In his 1949 paper, he attruibited neurotypiclaity to a "genuine excess of paternal warmth" and the oven father theory of neurotypicality was born.
People used to say that oven fathers caused neurotypicality - we now know that neurotypicality causes oven fathers.
by Walking Talking Dictionary January 6, 2007
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Black is a lot of things. Its not strictly a colour - its a shade.
As opposed to white which is technically a hint.
Black is used to denote shadows in art. Also used for silhouettes, e.t.c
by Walking Talking Dictionary November 8, 2006
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uMember of the circle (moc/c/circle)
Before this can be defined, we need to know the origins.
In one startrek episode there was a group called 'the circle' whose logo kept popping up everywhere. The circle are a group who reckon that only bajorans should be on bajor.
So if someone's a member of the circle, it means that they are really anti-immigration to the point where they might well be willing to build <country's> great wall, especially if there has been some past bad experience with people coming in and this stems from a slight to severe over-reaction to that past injustice.
Random person: *builds <country's> great wall.
Me: What are you doing?
RP: *starts lecturing me about immigration and how immigrants have no rights to be here and such.*
Me: You are such a member of the circle/You are such a circle/You are such a cm.

((DISCLAIMER: Random person does not represent my viewpoints - he merely represents the circle's beliefs.))
by Walking Talking Dictionary January 28, 2007
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A Star Trek alien species native to Cardassia Prime.
Gul Dukat is a cardassian
by Walking Talking Dictionary September 25, 2006
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Teenager, exactly what it says on the box. Those whose iage/i falls within the iteens/i
13, 14,15,16,17,18,19
Not quite a child, not quite an adult.
For some reason, the media likes to attempt to convince people we are all criminials.
Society: FACE IT! Being a teenager is NOT A CRIME as the way lots of people behave towards us would make you think.
In my opinion, ageism is just as bad as all the other ___isms.
Sorry but I don't believe in being suspicious of someone purely because of the amount of birthdays they had.
In that light, the pathetic plastic fictional sterotype of teenagers portrayed by the media is exposed for what it really is, huh?
Which is:
Sure, some of them are criminals.
How do you get from some teenagers are criminals to all teenagers are criminals?
That's like saying that some adults have commited crimes therefore all adults have past offences to their name.
Now, whether or not most graffiti is done by teenagers or not, I won't debate.
But if I said that most adultery is done by adults therefore all/most adults commit adultery, you'd probably look at me like I'd gone mad.
Maybe teenagers do commit more crimes than others but more things are illegal for teenagers than any other group, in my experience.
If you look through any anti-teenager website and replace 'teenager' with 'adult', their points are rather brillantly underpinned.
Furthering the first point I made, what is society coming to if, as the media and sterotypes and the general public would have you believe, if you're automatically a criminal when you turn thirteen and automatically stop being a criminal when, and only when, you have your thirteenth birthday.
Sure, there's some that act up in school.
The thing is, 'peer discipline' has more options open to it than being discliplined by someone in a position of trust.
Just one question for everyone,
If for example you had to hit the school 'geek' ((We'll call them Richard)), and either way you would be punished in different ways which scenario would you pick?
A: Hit Richard and get told off at best or get expelled at worst
B:Don't hit Richard and get sent to coventry at best, or at worst get severly beaten up

Teenagers are a group of people who are often suspected of crimes because of the amount of birthdays they had.

by Walking Talking Dictionary October 1, 2006
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A 'fag-hag' is a close, often homosexual friend who happens to be the opposite sex. One who has little to no chance of becoming sexually interested in you, largely due to orientation. This often allows for a platonic bond far closer and deeper than conventional friendships.
Useful if a person wishes to fool their parents about their orientation. The fag-hag will be introduced as their friends' boyfriend or girlfriend.
I heard person A telling person B that person C went and got themselves a fag-hag.
by Walking Talking Dictionary December 12, 2006
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