311 definitions by Bill

An institution located in a malaria infested swamp--once noted for it football team which since 1998, has lost 5 out of 6 of its matchups against superior rival, Florida State University.
With the dismal leadership of Steve Spurrier the Washington Redskins pulled a University of Florida and ended the season with an abysmal 5-11 season.
by Bill May 2, 2004
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Constructive Criticism. Critique given by reviewers to help a writer improve his/her work.The opposite of a flame. There is nice CC, matter of fact CC and harsh CC.

Flames are criticism without help suggestions
CC Example 1: This story is pretty damn good, but I do have a slight issue with A and C. Improve and it'll be as good as B and D.

CC Example 2: What have you done? This story is very poorly written, yet it could be great if you do this this this and this. I also suggest you find a beta reader.

CC Example 2: WTF? What is this crap? You don't have any writing talent whatsoever! *proceeds to tell why*

Flame: U suk! My fuking dog can write better than u. Remove dis shit and stop writing, tard!
by Bill September 29, 2006
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A word commonly used to describe nigs (people with the chocolate face,or boady), most oftenly used by members of the infamous KKK and residents of t-nacle and I-mills NJ,
If anyones gonna have sex with my sister, its gon be me.
Drop the TV darkie
for more examples refer to (nig,black,spook,jiggaboo,mooncricket)
by Bill March 24, 2005
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Attempting to perform or succeeding in performing an act that completely defies the laws of reason, physics and humanity. Anything done on "Jack-Ass" or in the movie The Matrix. AKA...don't try this one at home kids.
....said to friend sprawled on ground in serious pain...."Dude you must have had a serious matrix moment to think you could land that jump."
by Bill November 6, 2003
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v. to yell out in pain or alarm
"Your mom squawked when she ate the cat."
by Bill November 21, 2002
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1. The pinnicle of being a faggot, one who partakes in faggotry

2. See Tanner
Srotzu's father caught him having sex with another man, and then tanned him.
by Bill January 24, 2003
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A word originating from nowhere, that means nothing. It can be used properly by anyone. In any situation.
by Bill April 25, 2004
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