311 definitions by Bill

To obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent.
"I'll show you where I rest at, it aint hard to find me
Let me buy a brick and get the other on cossimy"
50 Cent - Corner Bodega
by Bill February 28, 2005
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n. Tourist, particularly one who in the course of his/her activities interferes with the traditional usage of beach areas. (Rest easy, Dave. Origin: New Jersey, c. 1920)
It's getting more difficult each day to catch waves with all these shoobies in the water!
by Bill May 2, 2003
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A combination of the word "douche" and "fuck."

A person who is a fucking douche.
Dude, you're such a douchefuck!
by Bill October 13, 2004
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