"Hey Barack, why don't you bring in $65K worth of Hot Dogs?? It'll go great with this walnut sauce! Dank timeline, here we cum..."
by Peter Plopper January 19, 2017
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This is part of the Undertale multiverse. This is a mostly white timeline originally void of life until discovered by Core-Frisk and made into a home for Genocide survivors and random characters from different AU's. The only way to enter it is through the thought of going to the timeline.
"Hey have you been to the Omega Timeline? Its really nice there."
by iStarOnline July 30, 2016
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what you use in your head to figure out when you and your bf/gf will hit each base.
according to my dating timeline, i'll probably f**k him in a month or two.
by elliebellie2323 August 16, 2011
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Looking at a womans older profile pictures on Facebook to determine when she became a slut.
"Dude, have you noticed how much sluttier Sheryl is getting?"

"I know man! I used The Picture Timeline theory on her and figured out she became a whore around grade 11."
by CrowNasty September 30, 2011
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(noun) aka betrayal timeline / cheater timeline :

The ACCELERATED timeline in which two individuals get together specifically in a situation where one or both engaged in homewrecking or cheating or betrayal of a previous partner in to meet each other and get together.
Damn they started dating 2 weeks after she got with him while he was with his ex, they’re on that homewrecker timeline
by sms24 October 4, 2023
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If your seeing this, that means you’re in the right timeline.
I’m seeing this definition on UrbDic, im definitely in the right timeline then.
by disturb May 27, 2021
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