Planty figure is a person who draws LGBTQ demons(that are sometimes hot)

Planty figure is very nice but can be angerd very easily.

It's best to stay away if "the depression hits"
Person 1: hey have you heard of planty figure

Person 2: no you idiot idk who tf that is
Person: he's a artist that draws gay demons
Person 2: ok nobody cares
by robloxlamplover19 August 27, 2021
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some cringe blind braindead retarded creature from a "horror" game in roblox called DOORS
Guy 1: omg i like roblox figure
Guy 2: you suck
by Pokivba October 22, 2022
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some cringe blindass retarded character from roblox DOORS game
Guy 1:UMG RoBlOx FiGuRe So ScArY
Guy 2: fuck off
by Pokivba October 22, 2022
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a nicer way for a man to call a woman chunky
"That well figured young lady over there is busting at the seams. someone should buy her new pants!"
by markofthetiger November 28, 2015
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Person A: when I was at the discord admins house I saw he had a jar in the closet-
Person B: wait a figure jar with the “sussy milk?”

Person A: y e a h
Person B: 😟
by _rosie_kun_ April 19, 2021
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Refers to da playful "arms held out wide 'n' to da side" gesture dat two super-sociable people beamingly display prior to giving each other a big ol' squeezy.
Offering a small child a stick-figure embrace is often an awesome way to make him feel less bashful and more comfy wif engaging in a "round of lovies" wif you --- often da attention-loving child will just gleefully rush in and snuggle up against you without really thinking too much about it.
by QuacksO February 16, 2023
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A respectful alternative to "your mom" but for people with parents that are not female or don't go by "mom"
person 1: Your mom
person 2: My birthgiver doesn't want to be called that
person 1: Oh im sorry. Your parental figure 🥰
person 2: 😒
by uneryio October 17, 2021
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