when you cracking up it means you laughing so hard at stupid and retarded shit people say or be doing....and most of the time people is hating you so badly and want to sabotage everything you do and be so evil to you because you so far out their league they cant stand it. and do everything to bring you down and always end up in prison forever or dead the worst way possible like being burn alive.
im cracking up
by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ April 22, 2022
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"dude i'm so cracked up right now!"
by itsjade October 12, 2008
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An individual who is involved in either:

1)Comedic delivery of wit in front of a small audience.

2)Regularly providing 'one-liners' with the purpose of amusement.
Anthony: Have you seen my keys Tony?

Tony the 'crack-up artist': Yes I sure have, there they are.. Not!
by Gus McLeary April 1, 2008
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when someone says something funny and you start laughing uncontrollably you say "YOU CRACK ME UP!"
person 1: he is planning world freckelation!
person 2 who is laughing uncontrollably: dude! u crack me up!
by golden weirdo July 20, 2008
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to laugh hysterically at your own jokes, whether or not anyone else laughs at them.
And then the eagle says, "That's not MY nest!"...sigh. I crack myself up.
by Jordija March 25, 2004
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