A great and worthwhile practice whereby you abstain from any form of sexual relations and therefore do not hook up on dance floors.
Wow that girl not hooking up on the dance floor is practicing good celibacy- the other one (who is shamefully kissing that boy), is not! What a disgrace!
by Celibategirl March 19, 2009
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When someone has absolutely no sex life. Differs from being married, being a celibate single (e.g. a monk) or being asexual/castrated in that you want sex but no one will have it with you.
It's not my religion, it's involuntary celibacy
by mileysuckswhattednugentkicks September 23, 2013
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Emotional needs not being met, sex without emotional connection. Either voluntary or the result of finding yourself married to the wrong person.
I'm finally leaving my wife, I'm tired of living in emotional celibacy.
by A Man Named Job October 30, 2007
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Verbal Celibacy (n) - When one person in a relationship buys the other person in the relationship some sort of gift with the understanding that this gift will cease any future badgering or bickering about mundane things for a predetermined amount of time. Usually done by the male for the female.
Joe bought his wife a new car but what he was really buying was some verbal celibacy for awhile.

Ever since I bought my girlfriend that ring, the verbal celibacy has been great!!
by Urban Articulator April 29, 2007
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A fiercely strong warrior of celibacy. A Celibacy Dragon cannot be broken by sexual temptation and looks at the journey of celibacy as a fire ass rainbow road that leads to the most delicious pot of gold.
Sean is in fact the strongest Celibacy Dragon that has ever walked the road of the rainbow.
by baymountain0728 April 22, 2022
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A great show of being chaste and godly, when in reality the person simply hadn't been able to find any "willing" fellow humans, and so he is merely wishing to disguise this fact so that others won't wonder why he never gets laid.
Little Tommy Shaughnessy was feeling so dissatisfied and humiliated from not being able to find a "hole for his pecker" that he'd been seriously considering taking a vow of celibacy in order to have an acceptable excuse if any of his buddies asked him why he wasn't "getting any"; as a last-ditch attempt to alleviate his plight before resorting to such an extreme, however, he tried tricking the local priest into revealing the names of all the local "loosey goosey" females, and was joyfully surprised when the naive priest did just that, and unwittingly provided him with "five good leads".
by QuacksO July 3, 2019
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November 2nd, 2004 - Same day as Kerry & Bush election, marked to celebrate No Bush & No Dick (Cheney).
voter1: "You celebrating National Celibacy Day?".

voter2: "Hell yeah, on election day, I'll vote for anyone but Bush".
by C&H October 30, 2004
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