49 definitions by rzhhhh

...no sex

Two words you never want to hear your girlfriend, wife
or otherwise ever say, as it is usually her threatening to
withdraw sex from your relationship for an indefinite

time period because you have done or said, or are about to
do or say something extremely stupid.

Can also be used to blackmail or extort by forcing you
to say or do something you don't want to.
Such as clean the dishes, iron the clothes, walk the dog,
pick up the kids from school, do things a woman should
generally do or spew secrets on your best mate and

so on and so on...

The no sex threat is a womans Straight Flush
It is not a Royal Flush because it doesn't always work,
not all men are that reliant on sex, but 98.97% of us are,
so it may aswell be a Royal Flush.
1: What's up?
2: The wife used the no sex threat on me the other day
1: Hahahahahahahaha..... why?
2: She was having a girls night in with some of her girlfriends, I walked in, accidentally of course, they started interrogating me about Steve and his curre -
1: I don't like where this is going, you didn't tell them anything did you?
2: Well I refused at first but then she threatened me and -
1: You fuckin cunt, I hope you get raped by that pack of apes that escaped the zoo the other day.
Steve: Hey guys
2: Oh shi-
1: Bye guys
by rzhhhh July 10, 2010
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Frozen Assets - noun

The result of putting your money in the fridge.

In the Business and Finance World an Asset is the name given to any form of economic resource that can be owned.
These range from stocks, bonds, trademarks, computer programs/software to buildings, equipment and even high value personnel.

Frozen Assets is the name given to Toxic Assets that have ceased to function.

In the dating world Assets refer to a persons, positive, features.

While the term encompasses all of a persons features it is typically used to refer to physical features, especially on women and especially when referring to her posterior and/or curves.

Think: "ASS-ets"
These assets can change relatively rapidly. For example: if the person puts on or loses weight/muscle. They are not fixed.

Frozen Assets are, therefore, features that do/can not change readily.
Generally non-physical features such as intelligence, personality traits, social, athletic and/or academic abilities etc...
I put my money in the fridge. I got the idea when I heard "Frozen Assets" on CNBC :D

Halifax has lots of Frozen Assets

A woman with an M.D. is, obviously, intelligent.
The degree and her smarts are Frozen Assets

A person who is charismatic and makes friends easily has charisma as one of their Frozen Assets

Check out her assets!
You've got lovely assets
by rzhhhh November 14, 2011
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Even wetter water

The hydronium ion
Produced when water acquires a proton (aka a hydrogen ion)
Girl: I'm so wet!
Guy: That's cause you're soaked in H3O

2 H2O <-> OH(-) + H3O(+)
Teacher: And that, kids, concludes our chemistry lesson for today.
Remember, H3O is very acidic, do not try to drink it.
by rzhhhh July 19, 2010
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aka the "cuddle hormone"

It is an organic compound belonging to the carboxylic acid
functional group.
It also happens to be a hormone & neurotransmitter

Oxytocin is released during orgasm, social recognition
(i.e. making friends), bonding (when you start to fancy
that guy/girl you've been chatting with for the last God
knows how long), anxiety and a number of other relating
This is where it gets its cuddle hormone nickname from.

It plays a large part in female reproduction where it
is released in large quantities during childbirth and

It is also rumoured that eating dark chocolate slowly
can cause its release.
This may be why dark chocolate is considered an
Oxytocin and it's many wonders:

Girl 1: I just ate some dark chocolate really slowly n had the most amazing orgasm!

Girl 2: looks like we don't need men any more LOL
by rzhhhh July 5, 2010
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German Engineering

Engineering at its finest.
German Engineering is responsible for bringing us the:

4 Stroke ICE (Otto Cycle)
Diesel Engine (Diesel Cycle)
Syphilis test
Scientific pregnancy test
Ammonia Refrigerator
Rigid Airship (Zeppelin)
V2 Rocket
Rotary Engine (first prototype, not design)
Turbojet (to some extent, independent collective work of many)
EM Waves / X-Rays

1: omg Collien Fernandes is so hot
2: she was engineered in Germany, what can u expect?
1: ...that's the gayest thing u've ever said.
by rzhhhh July 10, 2010
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Female Friend

The friend of a male who is female.
It is simply the same friendship one has with another male.

Contrary to popular belief it is possible for a male and a female to have this type of relationship without one (or both) party(ies) wanting sex or any form of romantic involvement.
Those who believe otherwise either: are idiots in general, exhibit a significant degree of misogyny or misandry, are not very good at making or all 3

May also be referred to as:
g-friend, friend, budess, palette, chick friend.
Females commonly use girlfriend to refer to their female friends.
by rzhhhh November 4, 2011
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American - adjective


The demonym used to describe a person from any of the America Continents though it is most commonly used when referring to a person who was born in the United States

A synonym for "retard"
A: Where are you from?
B: I'm from The States
A: You're a yank?
B: I prefer the term "American"
A: Well I prefer yank.

A: I can't believe that prat thought 1+1=3
B: He's an American, what do you expect?
by rzhhhh November 4, 2011
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