49 definitions by rzhhhh


A contraction of "Multiple" and "Orgasm".
Just like Multimax is one of "Multiple" and "Climax"

1. The art of achieving Multiple Orgasms during one session of sexual intercourse.
If you are a man, this is nearly impossible.
If you are a woman, then every man envies you and your ability to do this. However it is dependent on your sexual partner and how good they are at doing the deed, fingering, cunnilingus (aka eating pussy) and other things.
If you plan on visiting the Palace of Love any time soon, then Multigasm is a technique that needs to be perfected.
Woman moans
Man: Oh, what happens if I...
Woman's moans get louder
Man: You appear to be enjoying this, maybe...
Woman screams/shudders/arch's back/mixture of all 3
Kiss, cuddle, woman calms down
Man: Did you like that? Let's try...
Woman begins moaning again

Repeat until Announcer yells, Quest log changes or Achievement is reached

Announcer: MUTLIGASM!!!

Chat box: Man has completed the achievement Give Multigasm
Chat box: Woman has completed the achievement Receive Multigasm

Quest Log: Quest - Multigasm (Complete)
0 XP rewarded, 0 Gold rewarded
Other "Rewards" - You get to cuddle with your lady while she tells you all about her long day at the office or other place of employment.
You aren't allowed to fall asleep... tough break, motherfucker.

Man *whispering*: kill me, please.
by rzhhhh August 25, 2009
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The act of, violently, taking a food item from someone and, violently, eating it.

This is most commonly practised if the person is seen with a food item that can be considered delicious
If you saw a delicious candy in the hands of a small child, would you SEIZE AND CONSUME it?!

You must SEIZE AND CONSUME the delicious cake

by rzhhhh November 11, 2011

The Kumite is a mythical, invitation only martial arts tournament with the deadliest fighters in the World, like Jean-Claude Van Damme
Except it's not mythical it's real. It's really real and is very similar to the Mortal Kombat tournament.

It is usually held on a far away mysterious island, so it's a nice getaway. Kind of like one of them all-inclusive vacation packages.
They cover room and food, everything (spa etc...) but they don't cover incidental (alcohol), of course.
It's nice, you get to catch up with old friends, see some really good matches, get a tan. Good times.
It is also a deathmatch but everybody's got to die sometime. You kill one man; you kill a dozen. It's all the same, they can only hang you once.

Whenever you say "Kumite" it is, always, followed by a fighting sound effect.
"You think I knew she was a killer kung-fu wolf bitch?! She didn't say nothing about no Kumitie, Kumitoo, Kumite, Koom, black coon. Now y'all just hush I'm trying to think of what we gonna do"

Kumite (Eyyah!)
by rzhhhh September 10, 2013
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Nuclear Strike

1. A video game in a series called the "Strike Series".
It started with Desert Strike, created by a man with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, how ironic...
In Nuclear Strike an ex-CIA operative has stolen a Nuclear Warhead, it is up to you to find him and the Warhead.
This was a Sony Playstation game released in 1997.

2. One step up from Air Strike, and two up from man the harpoons.
Can be considered on the same level as dropping a MOAB or FOAB
In the event that a whale has survived an Air Strike, one may contact the President who acts also as the Commander-in-chief (as of this point it is Obama) and request that he deliver The Football.
If a whale is spotted in the United Kingdom then the Queen or Prime Minister may be contacted.
A Nuclear Strike should vaporize the whale.
If the whale continues to live even after this form of strike, you should get down on your knees and beg God for mercy, while demanding to know why he created such a creature.
You should also pray that it does not try to mount and have sex with you, as you WILL be crushed to death.
1. Strike Series:

A looking through a pair of binoculars, observing the destruction left by the Air Strike.

A: Sweet Raptor Jesus!
B: What is it?!
A: That whale survived the Air Strike!
B: WHAT?! Our B-2 Spirit carpet bomb failed? Call the President, and may God have mercy on our souls.

A picks up the phone and dials the Presidents number

Automated Message: You've reached the White House.
To congratulate the President on his hard work, press 1.
To congratulate the President on his hard work, press 2.
To congratulate the President on his hard work, press 3.
To request Nuclear Launch Codes, press 4.
For all other enquiries, please hold.

A presses 3, phone rings.

Obama: Hello?
A: Mr. President, we have a slight situation here
Obama: What is the problem, may I ask?
A: We have a whale who survived an Air Strike... We need The Football, pronto
Obama: Dayum nugga! I'll have it sent over immediately, and my God have mercy on our souls.
A: I've heard that before... Thank you Mr. President, you have a nice day now.

hangs up.
the tale of the whale is tbc

Note: Women are not allowed to use Air Strike and Nuclear Strike as seen in definition 2. As they take the form of blow stuff up.
It is also not possible for a woman to "man the harpoons", she must woman the harpoons, and no such thing exists yet.
by rzhhhh August 25, 2009
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Incorrect spelling of Fade

A hero from Heroes of Newerth
She's the "shadow and scythe woman", be very afraid.
She appears to have been inspired by DotA's
Anub'arak - The Nerubian Assassin, though Fayde's
skill set is not a perfect copy of Anub'araks, they have
some similarities and Faydes playstyle mimics that of
Anub'araks as both assume the role of ganker

Fayde is characterised by being dark & sexy

Someone dark & sexy.
Applies only to females due to the feminine nature of the name.
That girl you know with dark skin, dark eyes, dark hair
and an extremely sexy voice. You get wet thinking of her.

That's Fayde
Careful though, the dark side of her personality isn't somewhere you want to be... Don't piss her off.
Phade, Phayde, and so on...

Fayde -

A shadow cast my the evil in the hearts of Man and Beast alike.
Fayde lurks in the dark places of Newerth.
While her scythe-like claws are terrible enough,
it is her abiltity to call forth new shadows of herself
--or her foes-- that is most awful of all....

A: Man I just saw this super hot dark skinned girl
B: You speak to her?
A: Yeah, I creamed myself when she spoke back
B: Yep, that was Fayde.
A: What ?
by rzhhhh June 25, 2010
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Black Santa Claus or Black Santa

The African American stereotype of Santa Claus.
This version of Santa is unlikely to leave you any presents. The most likely scenario is he steals your presents, eats the cookies you made and raids your refrigerator for chicken, watermelon and/or grape drink (he won't drink your grape juice though).
In the rare event that he does leave a present under your tree it is probably a chopper, which you should load up for Dec. 31st
He does not ride a sleigh powered by 8 Reindeer, it is in fact a flying black Bentley Continental V8 with 17in platinum plated rims that never stop spinning. It also contains a 7.1 surround system that can typically be heard playing Soulja Boy or Wiz Khalifa
He is typically not very jolly or merry, but he is fat.

White Santa's whore for a wife is likely cheating on him with Black Santa.

Synonym for Rick Ross
31st Decemeber 3012
A: All the presents under my tree disappeared on Christmas
B: Same here man, everything was gone except for this AK-47
A: Black Santa Claus strikes again. Well better load up that chopper, it's Decemeber 31st.

"Pull up in a sleigh* hop out like I'm Santa Claus. Niggas gather round got gifts for each and all of y'all" - Rick Ross aka Black Santa Claus
* - Bentley Continental
by rzhhhh May 6, 2013
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The car, or other land vehicle, you and your bros travel around in, transporting you all between your crazy bro adventures.
Certainly helps if said vehicle was made by Land Rover

May also be referred to as a bromobile
Me and the lads took the land brover all over the city looking for some chicken

The trusty land brover

Good ol' land brover

Get your hands off our land brover bitch
by rzhhhh June 14, 2011
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