1007 definitions by The Original Agahnim

Conservatorship isn't slavery, and is nothing like slavery, there's no legitimate comparison between conservatorship and slavery. All these people making time to protest for Britney Spears have families, jobs, and lives, yet they are all focusing their time and energy on one person, which is silly. There are a lot of problems in the world to focus on just one person that much. There's a point where you've supported someone enough already through CD and ticket sales, and you let them try to stand on their own two feet and learn to walk their own walk, instead of always trying to be there and do their walking for them. Let them take their baby steps and you don't have to bring cameras and broadcast every step, giving the baby more attention than any one person should ever get in a lifetime over something silly.
Britney Spears is not a slave and Britney Spears is not in prison, so Free Britney Spears from what exactly? A bad decision she made in the past? Her fans didn't make the decision, why are they responsible for getting her out of her own mess?
by The Original Agahnim June 24, 2021
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Something you don't see often, like a smiling runner or a crying baseball player.
The smiling shooter had a big smile on her face when she unloaded both the guns she was holding.
by The Original Agahnim August 12, 2021
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Someone with too much street smarts for anybody.
The girl was a street genius. She must have had a street IQ of 160. You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at her, she looked like a dork from Iowa.
by The Original Agahnim November 4, 2021
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Someone with too much street smarts for anybody.
The girl was a street genius. She must have had a street IQ of 160. You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at her, she looked like a dork from a town surrounded by corn fields in Iowa, but she scored higher than Tupac on her street exams.
by The Original Agahnim November 4, 2021
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Guy or Band- I'm gonna make you a guest of the devil, that's not a threat, it's a promise.
Other guy- You must have quite the plan to accomplish that, since there is no devil and there is no hell.
by The Original Agahnim June 9, 2021
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This guy Craig talked about God and the Devil, but in actuality, he held nothing that didn't have a dollar sign on it sacred. That, and winning his game were the things he held sacred, that was what he really worshipped.
by The Original Agahnim August 25, 2021
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A person that won't tell you that for every 100 pounds you outweigh the average person, your life is going to be made that much more difficult by the average person, and that's just the way it's always been and always will be (and yet life will go on anyway, because it's bigger than any one fat or skinny person). Instead a shallow manipulator says don't let something somebody said or did get to you (while seeing an oppurtunity to walk all over somebody for saying the word fat, a common enough word in most people's vocabulary), even when it's human for things to get to people, and to tell them not to let it is to tell them not to be human, to be more like a machine, like you, the shallow manipulator.
The shallow machine loved to call everyone but himself/herself heartless, thinking that everyone was uglier inside than him/her, and had an uglier heart.
by The Original Agahnim December 8, 2021
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