15 definitions by SHINOBI EXE

teacher: ok class the most flexible material is graphene
tom and jerry: tom and jerry squared
by SHINOBI EXE March 22, 2020
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The guy who invented Hot wheels remember those toy cars you used to play with as a kid
guy: Hey dude remember Hot wheels
friend: yeah those old toy cars
guy: the guy who invented it (Elliot handler) his wife invented barbie (Ruth handler)
friend: really that's cool
by SHINOBI EXE March 17, 2020
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that one Asian retard that reviews action figures and has a sexual attraction to them
some guy: hey dude you watch jobbythehong
other guy: SWIVEL HERE
by SHINOBI EXE March 16, 2020
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the response to a question someone would ask you
friend: hey dude how's life

other friend: YES
by SHINOBI EXE March 17, 2020
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the response to a question someone would ask you
friend: hey dude how's life

other friend: YES
by SHINOBI EXE March 17, 2020
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the term used when someone gets badly roasted on the internet.
a girl in court called a pedos dick small the pedo started crying

me: OOF! I just witness a murder
by SHINOBI EXE March 23, 2020
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