3 definitions by Gotta give me a game plan

A comeback so powerful that there are five possible outcomes.
1. Nothing happens because there was no insult in the first place
2.The opponent dies because the insult was miniscule
3 You die because the insult was moderate
4. You summon armies if the dead because the burn was kinda bad.
5. God comes to intervene because the original burn was really bad
???6 A never documented result only heard in legends you become ultra instict shaggy
by Gotta give me a game plan March 1, 2019
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A ancient lovecraftian god who was immense power and is known for his wrath. Points in which people believe he was angry was the Japanese tsunami and the great depression. He is the cause of wars. He is a creator of chaos and life. Can kill a human instantly by shattering their spine or making them go past the point of insanity.
by Gotta give me a game plan March 1, 2019
Someone who is known to be a vandal, and rather troublesome.
He's a real Hooper-licker.
by Gotta give me a game plan March 19, 2021
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