1 definition by Crime boss who fires often

J grimes is an artist thats versatile in his music sound as he’s also a talented guitarist and pianist. Aka “junior grimes (Logan)”

Most of his songs are either mediocre or surprisingly decent but that’s about it. he’d be amazing if he put in more effort though but J’s is too damn big to take advice from anyone.

Notorious for being an ex male stripper and former PI but that’s another story.

Famous for being offensive and having no regard for what society thinks of his daring behavior. Kid with a beard who got his start by doing soundcloud music and YouTube videos also he makes comics books. Believes he’s the notorious BIG reincarnated do with that what you will.

lives by himself and relies on willybone to maintain the professionalism and artist setup because J grimes wouldn’t be able to manage his own music by himself unsurprisingly

Also known for appearing on dr phil as the real life wolverine.
J grimes: allow me to bless the world with my greatness

Girls in crowd: woooooo!

Talented music producer: your trash and you’ve got zero talent

J grimes: excuse me ?

Talented music producer: your a talentless hack, no one likes you

Girls: who gives a shit he’s hott as hell! Take off your shirt J!

J grimes: ;)

Talented music producer: *facepalms*

J Grimes’s fan girls don’t care as long he’s shirtless

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