21 definitions by urbanr0cker

Pornography usually of a soft-core or poorly edited nature (see: Girls Gone Wild) is usually considered quasi-porn. Sometimes quasi-porn includes too many cut scenes or cut aways (angle changes) etc, ugly girls, too much talking during sex or otherwise nonsexual dialogue ("storyline").
How to know you quasi-porn:

1). Bare breasts are only shown for a fraction of a second.

2). *NOT* a fetish porn but camera constantly pans to girls feet.

3). One is incapable of beating off without being forced to pause, rewind or fast forward porn.

4). You become more interested in the actual "story" than the sex scenes.

5). Girl never takes her top off/tits remain in bra.

6). There is no real or significant penetration.
by urbanr0cker May 13, 2008
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Verb: 1). the act of a male doing something unmasculine, girly or just too feminine for words (ie; cuddling after sex).

2. the transition a man goes through after his girlfriend has had his balls in her purse for more than a month (see; pussy whipped ).

3. a process in which a man loses all of his former uniquely male qualities (personality and penis alike) and becomes little more than XY chromosome and chest hair. He is now and essentially a mangina on legs.
Guy: hey, i saw Andy watching 27 Dresses and Maid of Honor...WITHOUT Julie.

Guy2: awe man...depenisification complete.

Guy: we've lost him.
by urbanr0cker May 12, 2008
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1.) People, typically from the Midwest who believe everything about California is fantastic and talk constantly about running away and/or hitchhiking there.

2.) California natives as well as others who've become increasingly obsessed with California state; Primarily major Southern California cities (Los Angeles, Hollywood & San Diego). As well as California (pop)culture; Including the California Pizza Kitchen, PAC-Sun, Rodeo Drive and Sunset Boulevard.
I'm moving to Fresno as to avoid further damage from the infectious California Syndrome.
by urbanr0cker May 12, 2008
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A Kitler is a cat or kitten that bears a strong resemblance to Adolf Hitler. Kitler's typically have a dark coloured or black patch of hair directly below the nose that resembles Hitler's infamous mustache.
Mom: Why don't you take fluffy out to play with the other kittens?

Girl: Idk why mom but fluffy won't play with the other cats, mostly the different coloured ones.

Mom: Well, it's official...Fluffy's a Kitler then.
by urbanr0cker May 12, 2008
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A phrase people used to describe a person who expresses dislike or disdain for another person or celebrity. W*A*R*N*I*N*G-Not always a truthful description;

A hater is typically someone who dislikes or is jealous someone for no other reason accept for their success, friends or possessions that they either want or desire or dislike another person having.
girl: OMG jane doe is SUCH a whore.

girl2: HATER

girl: stfu
by urbanr0cker May 14, 2008
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The act of attempting to add ones own name to Urban Dictionary. Typically causing editors to spazz because of all the rejections they must submit.
"Word: Jane Smith Definition: An amazing and beautiful girl with a HUGE hart and a great ass. "

...is Ego Urbing

(jane smith is NOT my name or anyone elses I know)
by urbanr0cker May 12, 2008
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Someone who exclusively (or mostly) wears "name brand" or high fashion labels. They are know to wear only what's in style right "now!". They often purchase clothes solely based on labels and disregard personal style preference or common sense.

Most label whore's generally cannot actually afford the clothes they buy as so much of it goes out of style within months. They're also known to "Shop & Swap" (wear and return clothing after one use).
I lol'd when that label whore Andi couldn't get her money back for that hideous Neiman Marcus bag...$300 down the drain.
by urbanr0cker May 1, 2008
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