107 definitions by Ed

The root of dubs stems from the term doves. Doves, inturn, is used to describe 1 gram of marijuana. A "flock of doves" is 1 ounce of marijuana in individual 1 gram "dime" bags prepared to be sold. The transistion from marijuana to wheels might be from the ostentatious cars driven by successful drug dealers.
Hook me up wit a dub (a.k.a. dove, dime ) of da sticky-icky.
by Ed August 6, 2003
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Having multiple sexual partners. (Generally all at one time)
My polyamorous friend slept with 20 guys this month.
by Ed August 4, 2004
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Feces that defy gravity and remain on your asshole when the majority falls into the bowel where it belongs. Not common, a cliffhanger will appear under the right circumstances (eating beans and watching Sylvester Stallone movies). Cliffhangers are similar to a stalactite in a cave.
Spotting a cliffhanger in the reflection of the toilet, I contract and expand my sphincter in an attempt to pinch it off. Once I realize those actions are futile, I take three sheets of tp, for 3x the protection, and un-mount the cliffhanger.
by Ed March 21, 2005
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Stepping in a puddle and getting your shoe wet.

In my experience always seemed to happen in the snowy months: Slipping on the snow when jumping across the creek, stepping through the thin ice on the side of a pond, falling through a spring snow bank that has been hollowed out by the thaw's runoff.
Bob McKenzie is standing knee-deep in a vat of beer which is quickly rising:
"My brother and I used to say that drownin' in beer was like heaven, eh? Now he's not here, and I've got two soakers... this isn't heaven, this sucks."
by Ed December 17, 2004
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This term is often used to describe a pinnacle moment in an event or the best course of action. It doesn't have to be used in a sexual context.
After hours in a tough meeting, they find the perfect conclusion:

Tom, that's the money shot right there.
by Ed November 28, 2004
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i'm only rolling a jiffy
by Ed May 4, 2003
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A word that some cheap used to plug a religious website instead doing real advertisement.
For a clearer example See definition 1
by Ed February 11, 2005
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