24 definitions by Big Tom

To park a vehicle by backin into the parking space.
Look at the redneck over there burn-butting his pickup truck.
by Big Tom September 19, 2005
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To park a vehicle by backing into a parking space
That guy is burn butting his truck.
by Big Tom August 11, 2005
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To rip a burning and horrible smelling fart
After eating that garlic pizza, I am going to weld.
by Big Tom August 10, 2005
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A local rock band from New Brighton, PA in the early 1970s. A name as a parody to the band Deep Purple.
I hear that Shallow Orange is going to play at the prom next week.
by Big Tom August 10, 2005
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how a cop stops at a stop sign by having his foot over the brake as he rolls through the stop sign.
That cop did a police stop.
by Big Tom April 8, 2009
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When a car will not start unless you give a long and hard 5 minute non-stop crank.
Oh my, that lady's car is flooded out!!!!!!
by Big Tom August 10, 2005
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To press a gas pedal all the way down and crank a flooded engine.
Okay, Bill, you ended up flooding the truck. You better floorboard it.
by Big Tom September 20, 2006
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