I am a member. So I went to the meeting, natch.
by Ofcourse August 20, 2003
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All Day Funk - What you smell like at the end of the day since your last shower.
I got to get home to take a shower I have ADF.
by Nikki March 29, 2005
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A person that you mess with outside of a relationship that you are not serious about. In most cases; someone who dont know they are a Fuck Buddy.
Nah son, she ain't my girl, she just a slide.
by Shannie Joseph-Sharpe July 30, 2003
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to give someone your telephone number, or to ask someone for their telephone number
"Ho, you be fine, do the math for me."
by xcamic April 29, 2003
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Quirkyalone: n. a person who enjoys being single (or spending time alone) and so prefers to wait for the right person to come along rather than dating indiscriminately; relishing equal doses of solitude and friendship; attracted to freedom and possibility. Also adj.: The condition of being equally at home with singledom and being in a healthy relationship, undivided, whole. Of, relating to, or embodying quirkyalones.
by Jennifer December 16, 2003
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A term used by a frustrated person who believes he/she can ask the help of a higher power to make a traffic light turn green for him/her. Originates from firemen who actually have the power to make the light turn green.
by Street Urchin April 6, 2004
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(Orig. to enjoy or a word to compare two things.)
1. A term used by many junior high and high school students for having a crush.
2.(v.) same as "said" or "spoke"
3.In some teenage girls, a word spoken in between each word in a sentence.
1.Hey Jane, I heard that John likes you. Yeah, he really wants you.
2.". . .and so Strongbad was like, 'And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHT!'"
3. "Yeah, like, i think, like, N Sync is, like, sooooooo, like, cool and, like, dreamy."-some girl
by Fatass February 25, 2003
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