a sexual act deemed normally as unsavory or just plain fucked-up. i.e. foot-fucking, or in the eyes of some, anal sex. An extreme case would be barfing on somebody's chest, adding your semen, and scrambling it (see: Boston Scrambler).

Heinous acts of compassion are common in pornos, schock films, Amsterdam, and liberal arts campuses.
"Dude Jordan fucked his girlfriend in the ass and then came on her and had her lick his shit-covered dick off!"

"Wow, what a heinous act of compassion..."

"Are you ready for a heinous act of compassion"

"Sure, you can fuck me in the ass if you want"

"Uhh... I was thinking I'd ----- and --- midget --- egg beater--- and a huge cock ---- black men ---- 13 dildos ---- a rhinocerous ---- and then a jacuzzi full of pepto bismol --- and then we'd shave a cat ----- fungus --- and then I'd cum."

by FHGWHGADS October 7, 2008
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From Christopher Moore's hilarious novel "Fluke".

Used when bad shit happens.

The opposite of bee's knees
I spent the night in jail because of a so called "friend"; that is some heinous fuckery most foul.
by Ender December 4, 2004
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I can't belive Artie ate all them fuckin devil dogs today. He's still a heinous blow pig even after he got kicked off of Mad TV.
by Gran Pappy Mud Caddy June 19, 2006
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the act of being heinous/ grossly wicked in a large mass.
ew, the heinousity of the mulletous men wearing socks with sandals.
by maddAYYYY X May 13, 2005
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The greatest sware in history! Used to describe something so foul and wicked that the word "heinous" is not strong enough to match. The word was first used by AVGN in his Dark Castle Review.
Bob: What did you think of the movie?
David: I hated it. It was the most heinously anus film I ever had the displeasure to lay my eyes on!
by _somedoot_ August 12, 2018
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