when you try to immerse yourself into one of your kins, whether this is through cosplay, doing what your kin does as their daily routine, changing your name to the character's name, or trying to induce dreams where you are your kin.
person 1: Hey Zoe, nice green jacket, is that new?
person 2: Yeah it is! BTW, can you call me Nepeta for the time being? I'm in the process of kin immersion.
person 1: Oh, sure thing Nepeta!
by lvntn January 28, 2022
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A Sexual Act where a male defecates into someones mouth, and then proceeds to receive oral sex from the person while they old the stool in their mouth. Effectively blending up the stool into a fine pulp.
I got stool all over my member because i did an Immersion Blender on this chick
by feji August 21, 2010
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The application of immersive technologies to the process of exerting new points of brand presence through the creation of virtual simulations.
Scenes from Minority Report use immersive marketing principles
by Stephen Byrne July 30, 2003
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The Neo-Con malady of having your head encased firmly in your rectum, thereby preventing you from seeing reality and having to base yourself only on what your leaders say.
Anyone who believes that Iraq had WMD's suffers from a terminal case of Recto-cranial Immersion.
by Kay_ieee June 4, 2005
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The Liberal malady of having your head encased firmly in your (or someone else's) rectum.
Al Franken suffers from a terminal case of Recto-cranial Immersion.
by Proud Conservative September 22, 2003
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The way stupid Army Officers interact with digitized "foreign partners" through avatars in a huge, gay, and expensive computer based environment that is routinely broken and relies on stereotypes to teach soldiers about the world as a petting zoo.
"Usin' thus here high tech 'puterized deeevice ar soldiers kin act immersively with them ferin pagan bastards that weez here to save."
by AngryAmerican December 20, 2014
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Immersing oneself in ranch at one's own pace
"I have to get into this bathtub and do ranch immersion."
by itchboy February 27, 2023
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