A woman who has plenty of milk to nurse her child.
She was a very healthy cow when her son was born and she even had some extra milk to help her friend, who had a daughter around the same time.
by ElephantEight August 10, 2023
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A group (of usually 5 or 6 girls and boys below the age of 25) of fun, healthy people who are all very close, and enjoy kicking up a fuss and creating banter wherever they go, a little squad with lots of inside jokes and phrases.
(in conversation)
Person 1: "hey look over there, some healthy legs!"
Person 2: "wow! They're so cool!"
by AshleeYJOHNNNO471_twitter July 18, 2016
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The proper way to treat people.
Hym "And further more....

Iam "Alright, alright. Calm down."


Iam "....... Ok. Alright. Maybe we just maintain a certain level of healthy skepticism."

Hym *breathing heavily*

Iam "......... I'm just saying that maybe it's too soon to start panicking....."

Hym "........ We will regret this....."

Iam "I'm sure I will....."
by Hym Iam April 9, 2022
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When you fall asleep in the recliner, and your significant other climbs on top, rides, then steals your wallet and pills
Guy 1: Dude, this chick was so horny, she gave me a healthy grandpa
Guy 2: Holy shit, did you find your stuff?
Guy 1: Nah, i'll ask her about it later!
by Avon-6 September 18, 2021
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A person who eats like everyday is Thanksgiving. Endless bowls and plates of food.
You see Vito chowing down? He’s one healthy eater!
by New York Yank-these October 26, 2017
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When you shit and no matter how much you wipe, your ass is still shitty.
This morning i had a Healthy shmelthy and needed a manpon.
by Dr. Ratfuck January 21, 2012
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A smile that you won’t shy away from flaunting or a smile that radiates confidence and happiness.

It is smile that’s not just healthy in looks but healthy on the insides.

One can get healthy smiles by taking care of their oral health and by addressing the right symptoms at the right time.
Achieve Healthy Smiles with Signature Smiles experts.
by Pseudonym D November 25, 2021
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