17 definitions by the Den of Iniquity

A combination of the main holiday terms; Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, and Ramadan.
To be used in this age of correctness where people may be offended by wishing one person a seasonal greeting but leaving another person out, thereby offending their race or creed.
" Happy Christmahannukwanzadan everybody...and I think that covers everybody "
by the Den of Iniquity December 7, 2006
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This occurs when attempting to perform an East Indian Burn on your girlfriend's leg. The difference is that it is done after consuming too much Jerk Chicken and Red Stripe and results in sharting on your partner instead.
Usually results in an instant termination of the relationship.
" I think my girlfriend and I are done, dude. I tried to fart on her leg, and ended up giving her a West Indian Burn on her! Shouldn't have eaten at that Jamaican place last night."
by the Den of Iniquity December 6, 2006
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One step above "Cougar" in the scale of women. Pussy so old its fossilized.
a.k.a. Rapidly aging, Botox-addict and ex-supermodel Janice Dickinson.

" Man, what a gynosaur...I'd probably screw her, just gotta remember to blow the dust off first. "
by the Den of Iniquity October 6, 2006
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The flap of loose skin that hangs under old women's upper arms when they are extended.
When its hot out, my Nana's granny arms work better than a fan when she flaps them.
by the Den of Iniquity December 22, 2006
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The act of anal sex.
A nice tight ass looks remarkably like a Daddy-long-legs spider, hence the insertion of a penis appears to be breaking the legs off that same spider.
" Man, that girl loves it hard. After fucking for awhile she grabbed the lube, slapped her ass and told me she wanted to break the legs off the spider."
by the Den of Iniquity December 6, 2006
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A disorder in the same class as Narcolepsy. Necrolepsy is caused by working in soul-crushing jobs like call centres and retail sales, and causes you to die a little each day.
The doctor told me I need to take some stress leave, doing tech support gave me Necrolepsy, next stage is alcoholism.
by the Den of Iniquity July 11, 2007
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The shortened form of "I don't know".
Pronounced as Ah - Da - No.
Used as a code-word for doing something that may be deemed inappropriate (such as smoking dope) by somone nearby who is not involved in the conversation.
Me: " Hey man, what are you doing tonight?"
You: " Adano "
Me: "Well, me and the guys are gonna be doing some Adano too, why not cruise by?"
by the Den of Iniquity December 6, 2006
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