32 definitions by Pogoextreme

The term one uses when a person develops a strong emotional attachment towards a machine or a robot.
Jimmy was so upset when his furby died, he obviously was suffering from the tamagotchi effect.
by Pogoextreme November 12, 2021
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The area dividing the brain and the soul is affected in many ways by experience-
Some lose all mind and become soul:
Some lose all soul and become mind:

Some lose both and become:

-Charles Bukowski
My lifedance made me realise I'm actually batshit fucking Insane.
by Pogoextreme June 21, 2022
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“Why are you staring at that car crash? You know it killed two people!”

by Pogoextreme August 10, 2021
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Ping Gate is the term coined by residents of the U.K. who have been forced into using the useless Tory COVID-19 app and who have “pinged” by said app to isolate, when not necessary.

This is causing much frustration to everyone trying to get a sense of normality back into their life.
BoJo: oh poppycock, I’ve been pinged to isolate.

Hancock; I’m glad I deleted the app after I sexually manipulated my staff to suck me off. Fucking ping gate.
by Pogoextreme July 19, 2021
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