Anyone who listens primarilly to some form of metal. It's okay to listen to other genres. Some say bands like korn and system of a down suck. I listen to them , I just don;t consider them to be metal, they're rock. Many have significant amountrs of pent-up rage. Starting a fight with one is typically unwise. Many will simply ignore minor slights but if the issue is pressed they will either beat the shit out of you or if you manage to win do their best to fuck you up as well.Usually have long hair and wear black or camoflage, though not always. MAKE-UP IS NOT FUCKING METAL!
Poser:(to metalhead) You suck!.
Metalhead: goes back to listening to more metal.
Poser(to friend):Watch me kick his ass.
Metalhead: gets up and slams posers face into wall
Posers friend:runs
Metalhead:goes back to the metal
by IPunchEmos December 27, 2010
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Anyone who listens to mostly metal.. Beer and weed don't apply to being a metalhead. Metalheads tend to know how to have a good time. A lot of them have quite the sense of humour, too and a strong hatred of the mainstream and emo, not all of course though.
Metalhead Joe: "I love metal, here are some of the bands I listen to: Amon Amarth, Anal Cunt, Anthrax, Arch Enemy, Arsis, Behemoth, The Black Dahlia Murder, Black Label Society, Black Sabbath, Burzum, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Carpathian Forest, Cattle Decapitation, Celtic Frost, Children Of Bodom, Chimaira, Cradle Of Filth, Cryptopsy, Daath, Damageplan, Darkest Hour, Darkthrone, Death, Decapitated, Deicide, Devildriver, Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Fear Factory, Fuck...I'm Dead, Gwar, Haemorrhage, Heaven Shall Burn, Iron Maiden, Job For A Cowboy, Kalmah, Kataklysm, Lamb Of God, Martyr AD, Mayhem, Megadeth, Napalm Death, Necrophagist, Nile, Opeth, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, Skinless, Slayer, Suffocation, Superjoint Ritual, Tainted Euphoria, Tool, Unearth, Verbal Deception, Vital Remains, Vomitory."

Thomas: "Wow, just wow man... I think I love you!"
by Kayle O'Donovan August 13, 2007
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A person who enjoy metal as a whole. He respects the people who devote their life to learning and playing heavy metal riffs, face melting solos, and killer drum lines.
The rocker is a metalhead.
by Fisky May 29, 2007
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A follower of true metal music. A person who usually still listens to original metal bands (Judas Preist, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Metallica, Pantera, Motley Crue, etc.). Almost always identified by long hair, sleeveless denim jacket (airbrush painting on back), chain wallet, studded bracelet, black tee, faded jeans (ripped knees, or cut-off shorts), black shoes: old high tops, boots, or worn out tennis shoes. Metalheads tend to be very aggressive due to the intense, adrenaline-surging music. They are very free willed, and don't care how they look. Tend to drink often, and can be found air guitaring in public, with freinds, or at parties. They know true metal, and don't argue it. They are also the last people you'd want to fight. Have great hatred for "emo kids" and wiggers. 95% can play an instrument, and is also very loud due to almost constant screaming. They will do as they please and let no one tell them otherwise, also most are fearless.
Wow, that metalhead took out two guys without spilling his beer. That is a true bad ass.
by metal_forever June 28, 2006
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a seemingly useless label to describe someone who enjoys the heavier side of the music scene. freedom of expression is what it's all about
"metalhead"-you don't like cannibal corpse??? go listen to your faggy billy talent you're so not a metalhead if you don't like cannibal corpse!!
"joeblow"- ughhh get the fuck out of my sight, unlike you i don't label myself, i just am.
by quwijybow July 18, 2010
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non ignorant in general. people that think about things. some people go extreme and some people dont. some metal heads like to hang out with non-metal heads. it depends. some are girls some are guys some are just awesome some are mean.
its about the music.
they tend to care less about what people think of them. they like to listen to their music loud. most of them like long hair not all.they tend to be passionate about subjects and are open to knew ideas. some go extreme w/tats or piercings(lip piercings) and will basically shun society, but others kinda fake it so that they can get ppl to like metal also. the best metal head is someone that can be nice and chill with people and not really care and get others turned on to metal because some of the unfortunate havent been exposed to it.
the sexuality of metal heads, well i havent really looked into it, i think most are straight, some girls are more sexual because of hormones but idk, the really dont wanna be whores though. lol.
metalhead:i love death metal, some black metal and goth rock. not really into mainstream but i wont critcize ppl for liking it everyone has their days.
i seem nice but sometimes i just get frustrated with the ignorant, but i try to accept that opinions are always changing and it doesn't just mean that dopeople are plain ignorant.
by heyametalhead February 9, 2010
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A metal head is someone who listens to metal. Any metal at all. Shut up with all this "only 80s thrash metal" bullshit, and all the "true and false metal" crap.

Both thrash and nu-metal can be good in their own ways. There's no such thing as a "false metal" band. If it's metal, it's metal. Period. Who cares what genre Slipknot is in? Who cares if Testament is from the 80s? They're both metal, so it's not wrong for a metalhead to like them. I personally like both of them, so just stop the stupid debate of which bands are true and which are not.

However, a metalhead may indeed despise such music as rap, pop, or pop punk, for either being mainstream, or full of shit. And most of it is. However, just because a band is mainstream does not specifically mean it sucks. So System of a Down appeared on MTV. Does that mean they're the worst thing to happen to music since 50 Cent? No! They're simply getting their music out to more people. If you really want to vent your anger out because a band is popular, go take it out on their stereotypical fans, for being such airheaded idiots and making the band look bad - not the band itself.

As for the dress code, there is no set one. Most metalheads, however, can be characterized by either shoulder-length or shaven hair, leather jackets, band t-shirts, and lots of studs and spikes in their accessories. There is also no set way to behave in order to be a metalhead. You don't have to do drugs, you don't have to drink, and you don't have to be the toughest S.O.B. in the world who can demolish 20 asses in a fight. You can be a very friendly sweet person who hates fighting and still be a metalhead.

Just be yourself, and listen to all the great metal you love. That, is what makes you a metalhead. Not taking drugs and ranting about true and false metal. That, is what you call an intentional conformist.
True metalhead: (wearing a Slipknot shirt) Man, I'm bored. Anyone got a metal CD I can listen to?

False metalhead: (stoned out of his mind) yo u stupid lozer, Slipnot sux dik. Why doncha lizzen to true metal liek Pantera and Testament, u fuckin poser! Get high an' drunk, jus' liek all of uz!

True metalhead: For your information, I like both of them, and I don't need to be a stoned fucktard to show it.

False metalhead: Whuh? U cal meh namez?? Gah! (falls to the floor, knocked out)
by SomeBadJoke October 28, 2006
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