adequentally and equally known as RFG. RFG is the kicker for the chicago bears, is the second coming of god, known for his 69 yard field goal in triple overtime from 1 leg with his eyes closed! oo yea and left footed. Robbie Fucking Gould is AMAZING is actually better then devin hester. not really
rfg is god and robbie gould
by brent im a ho March 30, 2008
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They're obsessed with pot, and have daddy issues.

Megan's are stone cold bitches, and say that people can suck their dick. (even if they're friends.)

Second chances are not given when you know them.

Shes also a WITCH! (stay away from megans)
"megan gould smells like weed!!"
"christ, megan gould is so rude."
by mysteriousrhat891 October 17, 2020
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Ben Goulding is a man of much strength and anger
Ben Goulding regretted his actions at Flinders Street
by dobbyneedsagobby May 17, 2022
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A vampire that will suck the blood out of your penis.
I now have 2 permanent holes in my cock thanks to Emma Gould!
by DrippyFang July 5, 2010
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The hotest girl ever and every guy likes her including Vince, Gerardo, and Evan
Vince:Emma Gould Is hot
Evan: Emma Gould Is funny
Gerardo: Emma Gould So smart
by Likable Star May 10, 2010
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