a person with both male and female sex organs
My apple is a hermaphrodite cus it has a hole in one end and a stem in the other.

My science teacher is such a hermaphrodite!
by thehungrygirleatsthetaco November 10, 2010
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1. (n) A superhuman with the sexual organs of both genders but not nessecarily able to carry both sperm and eggs.
2. Ones who are persecuted because normal humans like us fear and don't understand their superiority. Like in the X-Men.
3. Jamie Lee Curtis
4. What human beings will evole into in the next 5 million years.
1. Cool! She's a hermaphrodite and can fuck herself!
2. Human beings fear what they don't understand.
3. They say Jamie Lee Curtis is a man, but I think shes a hermaphrodite! And shes hot!
4. The time of homo sapiens have ended and the bi genitis has begun!
by The Amazing Anonymous One July 11, 2004
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hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes
by ohiovotes July 22, 2011
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a person who has a penis and vagina at birth; CIARA
Ciara is a hermaphrodite and she takes pills for her natural developement.
by Felicia February 1, 2005
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a person with the sexual organs of both sexes.
A hermaphrodite can fuck to people at once!
by Anonymous June 5, 2002
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Person with both male and female sexual reproductive organs.
Skyler: “That Prius driving, ass eating, dick sucking, bike riding asshole John has got to be a hermaphrodite, dud.”
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