A helen is a person who never seizes to amaze you. She makes you feel like you are the luckiest person in the world. She's a very energetic, happy, athletic, fit, intelligent, gorgeous, well rounded, respectful and trustworthy person. Everyone knows that helen is the most beautiful girl in the world. She is loved and admired by all, some girls are even jealous of her looks, and guys chase after her because they realise that she is the most special person that ever walked this planet. Even if she makes a mistake she will admit it, because that is how down to earth she is. You will never meet a more perfect person inside and out. A "helen" is generaly an adorable girl , with a very attractive figure, beautiful eyes, and soft lips. She also speaks spanish very fluently. And she is often nicknamed cupcake, because she is very sweet and bitable like cupcakes. When you meet a Helen, you better treat her like the princess she is or you are not worthy of her.
1. Person A "Oh my god, sarah ramirez is so hot!"

Person B"Yeah she is, but not as hot as Helen"

Person A "Who's helen ? "

Person B " the girl of my dreams "

2. Person A " i'm so forever alone .."

Person B " You need to find youself a Helen, just like i did, you'll never be alone with her by your side"
by Pinkxdevil April 6, 2013
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The most gorgeous and fabulous person ever, who cares for those aroumd her. She will touch the hearts of everyone she is with. No one is quite like her and she is like a super model, naturally beautiful and happy. She is so amazing and not always appreciated by those she is with. Without her this earth would not be the same. Helen is a beautiful person with and amazing heart and mind. When you have a Helen in your life you will be eternally grateful. She is everyones best friend and very likeable. A unique, happy, special being
Person 1 "I love Helen, she is everything. Beautiful, funny, unique!"
Person 2 " we all need a Helen in our life! I wish I was her!!"
by missywildd September 23, 2012
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a girl whom is very loved and hilarious. she is always looking her finest and everyone wants to be like her! she got a great singing voice and is alway herself nothing other that! helene love to have fun and parrty..especially salsa dance in the casinos. LOUD! but she is also terribly smart and incredible gorgeous,all the time.
this girl is obviously a helene! i mean were all practically pee our pants. i mean she looks gorgeous..and shes sooooooo smart? weird you never find both of that in a girl?? and sweet heart when she sings its like im in HEAVEN! i love her sooo much, well all do!
by cassssssin January 24, 2009
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A girl that is there for anyone who needs her, even if they don't ask. She has that second sense, a LIGHT (as her name means) that spreads from her to those all around her. She is talented in many ways, with so much intelligence it's uncanny. She could easily end up going to college early and graduating with an A+ average and affect everyone along the way.
That girl Helen is so smart, it's not fair.
by Milli6875940 January 7, 2013
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A girl who knows what she wants. She is very bold and gets to the point. Helene's tend to be very shy about their feelings toward others. They tend to get what they've been looking for and they have amazing taste in guys. If you have something to say to them say it straight up because they are very slow and miss big hints. Helene's are one of the top 5 sexiest creatures on earth. When you have a chance with one take it!
"This girl gave me head last night!"

"It was an Helene wasn't it?"

by ohdamnnsaywhatttt April 28, 2009
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a girl who is awesome in all her ways. she is fly and skilled beyond belief. everyone else is jealous of her good looks.
Dang, look at Helen. Lookin` fly as always.

Man, I wish I could be Helen.
by helenaa March 2, 2007
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A girl that is literally the prettiest person on the planet. She’s very thoughtful and caring but can be a bit of a bisbis sometimes. She never says how she feels but other than that she’s a good gal
Dude I tried talking to this one girl Helen but she’s so shy so she told me she gotta go do volunteer
by PayBackISABitch June 8, 2019
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