The ruler of Cuba since he overthrew the dictatorship of Batista. In a violent revolution, he took each city one by one until New Years Day 1959 in which he seized Havana. He did liberate Cuba in a sense, but failed the help the rural populations. As a result, many of the Cuban people are poor, and are forced to survive on the streets. See, Cuba is a beautiful country, but unfortunately it is tarnished by this brutal man. Communism, like an Ashlee Simpson song, may look good on paper but in the end it is a failed doctrine.
Fidel Castro is still preaching the revolution while at the same time he fails to help his own citizens.
by PaNchoVi11a April 10, 2007
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the dictator of Cuba who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips, but is just a complete bastard who likes to make people's lives impossible
There is going to be a huge party in Cuba the day Fidel Castro dies.
by jczles February 19, 2008
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(full name Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz) The communist dictator of Cuba since 1959 when he overthrew the government of Fulgencio Batista, to present, although in 2006 he transfered presidential duties to his brother Raúl due to illness. Totalitarian tyrant who has deprived the Cuban population of the most basic of human rights including freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, worship, among others. He was listed on Forbes´"Fortunes of Kings, Queens, and Dictators" list as the 7th Richest Leader, Forbes estimated his fortune at $900 million, only including the money he makes off the wealth of the state, not any past profits.
Fidel Castro has deprived Cubans of human rights as dictator.
by Viquita September 10, 2006
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fidel castro is a common reference made towards people who think they are really cool and funny, but in actuality, they are not. when a "fidel castro" is spotted, it is usually quite hilarious because their stupidity is actually able to be seen by the human eye. it's like an aura. and, as most of us now, people really that dumb, are just plain HILARIOUS to look at. their very existance makes me want to weep tears of apathy.
elitis, or define this more clearly, a person who really sucks.
by danelle April 11, 2005
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Evil old dictator who enjoys dressing up like a soldier and smoking cigars... Can't wait till he dies so I can party all night long.
by bubba November 13, 2003
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loser,nobody,the bottom of the scum barrel.
he's a real fidel castro motherfucker!
by dslman22 November 4, 2003
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