27 definitions by niggman star33

noun, a word describing emergency rations of vodka stashed away in your car as a prophylaxis to counter a preconceived long day at work, or just monday. Although parking lot vodka can be consumed at any point of the day, it is best used immediately after you park your car.
God damnit I don't wanna head to work today. I feel like a fat guy tryin to get on a treadmill. Good thing I got my parking lot vodka.
by niggman star33 September 15, 2011
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a phenomenon in which a normal person moves or spends prolonged time in Irvine and becomes increasingly angry, lowers his or her standards, and starts to hate all types of people.
why are you so angry? cause the Irvine effect. I'd rather tortured by the chinese communist, than see them here in Irvine.
by niggman star33 August 3, 2011
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expression. used in substitution for the popular response "cool story bro" first described in forums online. This expression however, is a direct quote from the hit movie "kung pow." This famous scene occurs during a dialogue with the "chosen one" and master tang.
john "man i don't feel so well I think I broke my leg"

jack" your story makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak"

john" fuck u man"
by niggman star33 October 4, 2011
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a phrase or expression to describe a dumb bitch that is not quite hot enuff to be THAT stupid. She may be slightly cute or moderately attractive (do-able) but is so stupid that it might not be worth it. This phrase usually follows a dumb comment that the dumb bitch makes such as, "Is the Cowboys a baseball team?"
john, "I'm the DDD tonight."

FB (fat bitch) "what's that?"
john, "the designated drunk driver! Good god woman you are not hot enuff to be this stupid
by niggman star33 August 21, 2011
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noun, a word to describe the type of asians found in Irvine. To name these "people" after a mouse is actually insult to rodents, as a mouse fights back when cornered. Mousy asians on the otherhand, just look at away or down towards the ground as if bowing to a god.
Fucken mousy asian, look me in the eye son!
by niggman star33 August 15, 2011
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a phenomenon in which a male is unable to focus on any task at hand due to overwhelming thoughts of an attractive half naked female. The effect is synergistic with prolonged periods of blue balling.
ooh man i can't stop thinking about her in those pj's. i had a test but my penis distraction syndrome caused me to fail despite the 5 mins i spent preparing for the exam.
by niggman star33 October 6, 2011
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a reference to the old times when they used to hog tie slaves and drag them by horse as a means of punishment/execution. Used to describe moments when you are dragged along for an activity against your will or best interest.
Oh man I hate shopping with chicks, i always get dragged like a nigga
by niggman star33 September 9, 2011
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