6 definitions by long bong silvers

1.a song by bubba sparxxx, the ying yang twins, & mr. collipark
2. a girl with a big ol booty
i found you ms. new booty, get it together & bring it back to me
by long bong silvers July 10, 2018
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When you find out something about a movie, TV show, book, or video game that you wanted to find out on your own.
by long bong silvers July 7, 2018
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A girl who loves girls & not boys.
"I heard she was a lesbian."
"That just means she likes what I like! (proceeds to deepthroat corn dog)"
by long bong silvers July 20, 2018
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Something you only truly know if you've been it.
"fuck im so stoned that i just wanna lay back with my music n do nothin"
by long bong silvers October 31, 2018
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Someone wh masturbates all the time. they're probably addicted to it. doesn't necessarily have to

be a male, despite popular belief
"dylan what the fuck you doing in there"
"nothin..*thinks they're gone, violently faps*"
"dylan youre a fuckin chronic masturbator"
by long bong silvers October 30, 2018
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The current year as im typing this. Could be better, people always startin shit.
2018 sucks
by long bong silvers August 21, 2018
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