22 definitions by hanes

An actual reptile that existed in the creataceous period as the largest reptile of all. It evolved to swim in water and thus they didn't get entirely wiped out in the mass extinction by the meteor. Most of the remaining fish-like dragons moved to rivers and lakes in china. They moved ontowards land Thus giving the Ancient chinese' their long scaly like dragon symbol.). They were now long scaly dragons, with small useless fins. Evolution gave them back their wings and in medieval times, they flew around and actually did breath fire. (They had hydrogen chambers near the lungs and they ate a substance from mountainsides that causes a reaction to cause fire when mixed with the hydrogen.). Dragons died out near the end of the medieval time due to local kings getting angry at them for killing local livestock and whatnot. 2 dragon remains were found in the Carpathean mountains along with burnt dead and decayed warrior bodies. If you think i'm wrong, think about it. How did so many old civilizations have a dragon symbol? Was it just a coincidence? No. Did they ALL form their own mythological creature that was almost exactly alike in every civilization? Old artic people had a dragon symbol, and so did chinese people. They had no relationship or methods of contact. Coincidence? Very unlikely. My source Dragons : A fantasy made real, aired on Animal Planet in apri (I think).
Dragons existed. They were bigger than T-rexes. They ruled prehistoric times. Dominated the chinese. Dominated in the medieval period. We have physical proof. They aren't a myth. They were actual, flying, fire-breathing reptiles.
by hanes May 22, 2005
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Doom 4 is a follow up to the hit game Doom 3. It will be even darker than doom 3.
guy playing doom 4: Hmm. There must be something wrong with my video card because I cant see anything.
by hanes July 1, 2005
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Asshole: yo mama is so fat, she was... so fat!


Asshole: That's ok, because you all gotta save your laughter for this next one!

by hanes July 20, 2005
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A seriously stable operating system. The only reason it would crash, is if you dont know how to properly install new hardware, you built a computer yourself, but you mixed incompatible parts, or you have shitloads viruses and spyware, or because you were a jackass and messed with a program in a way it shouldnt be messed with.
Thankfully, you can turn off error reporting.
The average user: I have windows XP. Yes. Good.

Mac user: cool.

Linux user: Yeah..i'm hungry.

Linux fanboy: Wtf!! y would use dat piece of sh1t! j00 are a st00p1d N00b. It crfrashedc in like...2 minutes.
by hanes June 24, 2005
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An insult that is used when someone is being really stupid and moronic.
You fucking moron! Fuck you! Fuck your family! Fuck your fucking fucked friends, fucking asshole, dipshit moron, dumbass dickwad fucker! FUCK YOU ALL!
by hanes May 22, 2005
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A big poopoo that comes out from the anus. It falls out like a meteor out from the anus, and tidal waves into the sea of stinkyness.
"Look at the doodoo. Its brown."
"James:Ahhh! Anaconda!"
"jack:No thats my doodoo."
"He be gone doodoo in his pants"
"Doodoo on the floor"
by hanes July 11, 2004
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ATI's graphics cards line up. Currently their most high end is a 512 MB Radeon X850 XT PE Pci express. I think. Most people probably are still currently using 2nd generation radeons like Radeon 9xxxs. Rival versus GeForce by nVidia.
I have a Radeon 9800 pro, and it gets the job done and then some.
by hanes May 22, 2005
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