225 definitions by IrishRepublicanArmy

Emergency Locator Transmitter. The ELT is a small radio transmitter that is installed in an aircraft and is designed to being transmitting upon impact (the crash) or it can be manually switched on. The ELT transmits a distincive signal on the international emergency frequencies of 121.5 MHz (VHF) and 243.0 MHz (UHF). This signal is picked up by ground stations, search and resuce aircraft (see Civil Air Patrol and Coast Guard, and satelites. Direction-finding equipment is then used to "home-in" on the signal and locate the downed aircraft.
Click on the recording above to listen to the sound of real ELT radio signal.
by IrishRepublicanArmy January 18, 2004
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high-speed connection to the internet
1.544 Mbps
i used by T1 to download 45 gigabytes of porn last night.
by IrishRepublicanArmy December 29, 2004
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An organization formed at Fairfax High School. The Future Hobos of America (FHA) really doesn't do anything, except form more FHA groups at other schools and sit around doing nothing.
Many of the members of the FHA are republicans
by IrishRepublicanArmy February 11, 2004
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1) Something that is exact or close to perfect, usally spoken by a person of relativly high IQ

2) A modified pick-up truck or SUV, usally a toyota. These are used by terrorist organizations for pretty much everything. Seen very often in Africa and South America. Usally seen with a .50-caliber machine gun or Rocket-Propelled-Gernade (RPG} mounted on the bed. Useful for drive-bys until the US Army pulls up with thier Humvees. Also they include a CB radio system installed. Only Western military forces use VHF radio systems. Technicals are usally poorly driven and have a few rebel/terrorist fighters in the back firing/attempting to fire the machine gun mounted in the back. Also holding AK-47s.
Roger victor six, we've got threee technicals coming up on your 5 o'clock, engage now"
by IrishRepublicanArmy November 3, 2003
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a radio transmitter which is designed or modified to send a signal which deliberately inferes with another radio signal. (see also FRS jammer)

Jammers are most widly used by thegovernment and military in order to make it harder for the enemy to use their radio systems.

Also fun when directed at a rap radio station.
Dude! I jammed the rap radio station with the Spongebob theme song for 36 hours!
by IrishRepublicanArmy November 13, 2003
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1) a device used to send out information (see radio) usally an AM or FM broadcast transmitter, a waste of power, some AM stations use 40,000,000 watts, and your radio picks up like 0.0001 watts, pretty neat system, altough most radio systems consist of two or more transceivers that can send and recive radio waves without the need for a T/X switch.
"The WTOP-AM 1500 transmitter is jamming my TV"
by IrishRepublicanArmy October 13, 2003
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