75 definitions by Coell

The degree of formality when related to the workplace, most often with clothing.

formal > business formal > business casual > casual

Companies will require employees to wear business formal in corporate or financial environments, executive and management positions, or when interacting with high-caliber customers.

Business casual is more common in small cities and among mid- and entry-level employees. Some business formal companies have Business Casual Fridays.

When in doubt, it is better to overdress than to wear clothes too casual, so as not to be reprimanded by the suits.

"Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."
Business formal: Suits

Business casual: Sweater, collar without a necktie, polo, vendor swag, blouse, black/brown/navy/gray trousers, pressed khakis.

Casual: Dockers, denim jeans, shorts, t-shirts, linen.
by Coell July 6, 2005
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To settle a bill or debt. Square refers to the honesty of the deal, and up is the action of payment or performing the task.

To tighten the connections or correct the angles in a construction project, since squares are made of right angles at exactly ninety degrees, which is the majority of building connections and materials.

To confirm plans and reservations, straighten, or organize.
"When I come by tomorrow, I'll square up with you on the loan you gave me."

"If this drywall's gonna hang right, you better square up that door frame."

"I got my vacation all squared up."

"It's supposed to be in the seventies this weekend, so I'm gonna get the lawn squared up."
by Coell March 15, 2006
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Ace and Jack as your hole cards in Texas Hold 'Em.
"I went all-in with ajax suited."
by Coell May 12, 2005
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(v) In poker, if you have a great hand but worry that if you bet, nobody will call -- you check through and wait for someone to assume you missed too. When they bet to scare you off, you raise them, resulting in a larger pot.
Check-raising only works if you're first to act and you're the only person who made a hand.
by Coell May 13, 2005
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Slightly negative reference for the executives or management of a company, because they are paid better and dress more formally than the employees.
"I work twice as hard as the suits and get paid half as much."
by Coell July 6, 2005
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Sarcastic way of saying you've heard enough of someone, usually their excuses. They need to get to the point or just shut up.
- "... and then I had to stop and get gas, and the traffic ..."
- "Yeah yeah, you're late."
by Coell December 20, 2005
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In poker, four out of five cards needed to make a straight if the middle number is the one missing.

Opposite of open-ended (four cards in a row that will make a straight with either low or high card).

A gut-shot straight draw is less likely to suceed because there are only four cards that can help you. Open-ended straight draws have better odds because there are eight cards that can make your straight.
Gut-shot = 2,3,_,5,6 or 9,10,_,Q,K
Open-ended = _,3,4,5,6,_ or _,10,J,Q,K,_
by Coell November 10, 2005
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