10 definitions by C. Wallace

New England slang that adds emphasis. Synonymous with really, very and hella.

To describe how great something is: "This car is wicked cool!"
To show aggravation: "This fucking guy is a wicked asshole!"
To show frustration: "That guy is wicked slow!"
To show amazement: "Wow, that game is wicked awesome!"
To describe a person: "She's a wicked bitch!"
To describe the weather: "Man, it's wicked hot out here!"
To emphasize feelings: "That story made me wicked sad!"
To exaggerate your point: "That took a wicked long time!"
"That wicked cool car is wicked fast is owned by that wicked old guy, who drives it wicked slow when it's wicked hot out, which makes me wicked sad cause I'm wicked broke and I got to walk a wicked long way."
by C. Wallace May 20, 2004
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A way to describe someone who consumes vast amounts of alcohol.

Someone who looks for alcohol any way they can get it.
"I drank all my beer, got any?"
"Get lost you juice hound!"
by C. Wallace May 20, 2004
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Someone who believes they always have the answers, a know-it-all. Usually used to insult that person when they make a stupid insight or just repeat what has already been said. Sherlock being a reference to the literary detective sherlock Holmes.
"We should fix this tire."
"Well, if I were you I'd fix the tire."
by C. Wallace May 21, 2004
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