45 definitions by bluebear

rip someone a new one to tear someone a new asshole to beat someone sensless or near death not being able to fight back
if someone lets their dogs loose again my yard to do their business i will have to rip someone a new one
by bluebear May 19, 2022
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hot under the coller to be pissed or highly irritated
i came into work late this morning my boss was hot under the coller
my neighbors dog crapped in my yard i was hot under the coller
by bluebear March 27, 2020
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dont know your ass from the ass end of a bowling ball similar to dont know your ass from a hole in the ground a little more funny
you mister president dont know your ass from the ass end of a bowling ball
by bluebear March 31, 2020
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to bitch and whine excessively over something in an annoying way
my ex girlfriend does nothing but belly aching and bitching since we broke up
by bluebear December 14, 2020
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laughing like a hyena laughing hysterically or uncontrollably laughing
my neighbor let his dogs loose in my yard to do their business he was laughing like a hyena while watching his dogs do their business in my yard
by bluebear August 4, 2020
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