1011 definitions by QuacksO

What you'll find yourself in if you eat lots of fruits with sizeable seeds in da centers.
A pituation can also refer to da scenario dat plays out when you're trying to traverse terrain dat's had a lot of large deep holes dug into it, and so you hafta keep detouring dis way and dat to stay on level ground.
by QuacksO April 1, 2021
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What would be expected of hot-hunk Butler under normal/typical circumstances.
One could try to imagine theorhettically how Clark Gable's character would behave, but he was such a womanizing dandy that any notion of what he truly might do would likely just be "gone with the wind" before you even had a chance to voice said logical guess!
by QuacksO December 12, 2021
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Refers to whatever eventually transpires as a result of a dude's shooting his load.
Condoms should always be used during intercourse if a love/lust-crazed couple wants to avoid any undesirable outcums, such as STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.
by QuacksO December 28, 2022
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A law dat mandates a five-day waiting-period before you can weave anyone's hair (besides your own, of course) into fancy designs.
Pre-and-early-teen girls love to fix each other's luxuriant tresses all da time, so perhaps da Braidy Bill doesn't apply to da younger folks.
by QuacksO January 20, 2022
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Da toddler-offspring of a nurse whose primary task is bandaging people up.
Many children love "playing doctor", anyway, and so having a gauzeling or two in da day-care center could come in handy for said aspiring surgeons, since these medical-personnel-parented youngsters might have some actual experience from having watched Mom or Dad applying salves and wrappings to their patients, and could therefore guide their fellow little ones while they practice basic boo-boo-dressing procedures on each other.
by QuacksO June 6, 2023
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Da "reaction to an action" dat involves da "humorless guy wif da scythe".
Being a midnight field-harvester who cuts grain-stalks by da full moon might run into some reapercussions if he's not careful!
by QuacksO July 29, 2023
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What your undertaker-beau sorrowfully tells you when he is obliged to decline your request for a "moonlight stroll" because he has an urgent job in the burial-cellar of the monastery that will likely keep him busy till well past midnight. A really "heavy" statement that totally "weighs you down" emotionally, but what are ya gonna do?
My main squeeze unexpectedly hadda assist da local priest in giving last rights to a recently-deceased fellow member of the clergy in the church basement this evening, and so he was obliged to sadly shake his head and tearfully tell me, "cryptonight". He did manage to get done with said job a bit earlier than he'd expected, though, and so he was eventually able to race home and change and then come and pick me up, after all; due to the late hour, we couldn't have a full-length date like we normally would, of course, but at least we still got to stretch out on the quiet wharf for half an hour, savoring the soft lapping of the waves on the pilings, and gazing up at all da friendly twinkling stars.
by QuacksO November 18, 2018
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