11 definitions by J. B. Baby

The complaints of a person in an unfulfiling relationship who refuses to leave, no matter how terrible they say it is. When asked, "Why don't you just..." it is frequently followed by the line "Oh, no, I could never..." (A very cyclical and rather hopeless situation, really.)

Derived from a song of the same name by "The Barstool Prophets."
I got a call from my ex last night; she just kept singing Robin's Song about her new asshole boyfriend...

"And as he stumbles towards her / Left hand raised / She sings Robin's Song" --The Barstool Prophets
by J. B. Baby May 16, 2006
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(Pronounciation - Roo-lee-ah or Rill-AYE-eh)

1 - The home of Cthulhu in H. P. Lovecraft's "Cthulhu Mythos." See Wikipedia for in-depth information quickly, or read the book(s).

2 - A way of refering to one's hometown as being a complete nowhere or shithole.

3 - A very frightening place.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
(In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming)

"Where do you live?"
"Fuck, man... R'lyeh..."

"I just spent the weekend at my great-aunt's in R'lhey... *shudders*"
by J. B. Baby May 22, 2006
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"Spare Me Your Obnoxious Abbreviations And Learn To Spell."

Sarcastic internet shorthand originated in Lore Brand Comics - "OMG LOL."

A blowoff to people who refuse to even attempt to type properly.
"Dear Reader: SMYOAALTS. --Lore"
by J. B. Baby May 16, 2006
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Album purist; someone who listens to entire albums instead of just a few songs here and there. Person who follows albumism. Also albumist. Opposite of songer or songist.
Pink Floyd probably wouldn't be enjoyed as much by anybody but an albumer
by J. B. Baby May 16, 2006
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Someone who listens to entire albums instead of just a few songs here and there. Person who follows albumism. Also albumer or albumist. Opposite of songer or songist.
Some album purist was aching me for buying a few songs off of iTunes.
by J. B. Baby May 16, 2006
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Album purist; someone who listens to entire albums instead of just a few songs here and there. Person who follows albumism. Also albumer. Opposite of songer or songist.
Alice Cooper's talent can only be truly appreciated by an albumist.
by J. B. Baby May 16, 2006
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Non-album purist; someone who listens to entire albums instead of just a few songs here and there. Also songist. Opposite of albumer or albumist.
iTunes caters far more to songers than albumists.
by J. B. Baby May 16, 2006
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