10 definitions by Bryianzum

The opposite of doomscrolling, where one refreshes or advances through social media feeds looking for relatable, positive, and uplifting content, often with the effect of forging connections where they didn't previously exist.
User1: "I was doomscrolling Facebook last night and founds someone else who genuinely loves 'Plan 9 From Outer Space'. We ended up going back and forth about it for an hour."
User2: "Sounds like you were boonscrolling."
by Bryianzum October 21, 2023
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Sexual fetish wherein one partner places plastic wrap over another's mouth and procedes to defecate in their mouth. A cleaner variation of Hot Lunch.
"This time I kissed her afterwards because she had the vegetarian hot lunch."
by Bryianzum April 7, 2006
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One who spends copious amounts of time picking their nose.
Oy, get your finger out of there you little nose miner!
by Bryianzum April 12, 2008
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