5 definitions by A. Nonymous

The act of sex. The last of the bases.
Home Run, there aing gonna be a play at home plate.
by A. Nonymous November 16, 2003
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Somebody that calls you on your bullshit.
"Gotta love be greeted by a hater. Geez they're all over the webs nowadays. Take my story, leave my story, whatever. Not here to impress you or anyone else"
by A. Nonymous October 7, 2016
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The different levels in a sexual relationships. Included but not limited to first base, second base, third base, and home plate.
I heard you hooked up with Suzy last night... what base did you get to?
by A. Nonymous November 16, 2003
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Third Base with oral action. Giving a blowjob to a guy or eating out a girl. The last base before home plate.
How far did you get? I got a sloppy third
by A. Nonymous November 16, 2003
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