7 definitions by (9+10)x2 = 42 | 42x10 = 420

The anti, reversed, or rivaling version of a

1. noun

2. adjective
3. verb
1. Male and female genitalia are opposites.
2. It is cold outside compared to this warm fire.
3. I attracted someone today, opposite to my SO's reaction.
by (9+10)x2 = 42 | 42x10 = 420 December 28, 2017
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n. A commonly used excuse with the intention of averting responsibility.
Person 1: "I saw your hand down there and heard some noise, I call bullshit!"
Person 666: "It was merely an accident."
Person 1: "Oh, spare me your rhetoric, you know that your hand and arm didn't just magically spasm near my girlfriend's ass."
by (9+10)x2 = 42 | 42x10 = 420 November 7, 2016
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The yesest way of saying no.
Teacher: Didn't you do your take-home final exam last night? It's due today.
Student: Yesn't.
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1. verb- To add drama to something.

2. verb- A literary device to overemphasize a dramatic effect.

3. verb- (psycological) Overemphasizing or making something seem more dramatic than need or should be.

4. verb- To make something more or less apparent to the senses normally to express emphasis.

5. verb- To increase significance and/or size. (can also be ambiguous as to whether significance or size is increased)

6. verb- A false exaggeration of something.
1. "Your friend dramaticizes everything, he even talks about house flies as if they were the bane of his existence."

2. "As Harambe fell to the ground, the entire nation took their hats and pants off to give their respect to their fallen god." ~dramaticized by memes

3. "In horror, I found myself gasping for air after running from an echidna. My friend Joe shook his head at me as I dramaticized my fear of such harmless but odd creatures."

4. "O_O" as opposed to "o_o"
"Your mama's so fat, that she really COULD eat a horse."

5. "My penis dramaticized itself as soon as my pants 'accidentally' fell down in front of my girlfriend."

6. "What I maintain true is that I fear echidnas; what he dramaticized was the type of porn I like to watch."
by (9+10)x2 = 42 | 42x10 = 420 October 19, 2016
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The 'B' is representative of someone being a bag and the rest a faggot, implied the bag being useless and empty on the inside.

'Shat' (is past tense 'shit') is fluently composed when used with 'Baggot.'

The conjunction of the two words creates an effortless, expressive, and eloquent flow of dangerously-concocted insult to it's recipient.
Some Rison guy: Cheseley, You're a tool and an annoying nonsense to everyone around you, shat baggot.

Some Cheseley guy: You wanna go there? Well I'm gonna (pathetic comeback imminent)
by (9+10)x2 = 42 | 42x10 = 420 April 11, 2017
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1. The verb form of artificial; to create something by human means.

2. Human fabrication of a tension, situation, or feeling typically appealing to the common citizen/follower intended to cause or prevent conflict.
1. The human invention of the automobile was an artificiated machine intended to transport people.

2. The information conflicts between news outlets artificiate a tension of distinct good and evil people.
by (9+10)x2 = 42 | 42x10 = 420 September 13, 2017
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A person who continues to support and claim that a presidential candidate from the previous election after the fact still deserves the presidency. No positive or negative notation implied, depends on context.
'Con-Postilar' Context:
A Clinton Postilar dickhead in the November of 2016 election in the USA decided that s/he/whateverpronoun was going to continue recognize Hillary as the should-be-recognized true presidential candidate.

'Pro-Postilar' context:
A Clinton Postilar of 2016 continues to support Hillary because the alternative seemed cruel to wish upon America, and the popular vote was not considered.

'Neutral-Postilar' Context:
A Clinton Postilar in 2016 continues to support Hillary because that person does not recognize the electoral ballot as a legitimate way to elect a President, as well as the possibility that it can lead to a minority power corruption. Whether or not this is true, is up to you.
by (9+10)x2 = 42 | 42x10 = 420 March 23, 2017
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